How much do you make an hour at your job? and where?

<p>^ Have you ever lost a ridiculously large amount of money when you ventured into no limit Poker?</p>

<p>It seems that I have a good streak and then lose everything on a bad beat in the end.</p>

<p>I'm not 18 yet so I can't play online Poker.</p>

<p>I've had both my biggest wins and losses playing NL. I think long term I would probably make more money there, but since I started considering it my "job" outside of school, I'm just looking to avoid the variance. NL is a more interesting game, where your intermediate term variance is significantly greater.
And fwiw, I started playing online poker when I was 15 so you'd probably be ok if your parents were ok with it.</p>

<p>$6.55/hour at American Eagle. The discount is great, the people are nice but I could use a higher paying job with more hours.</p>

<p>I make $8/hour (I think that's barely above minimum wage here in MA) working in a cytogenetics lab at Brigham and Women's Hospital...</p>

<p>$8 is min. wage in MA, thisisfurious.</p>