How much do you pay for haircuts and/or coloring, etc…

Yeah, that is a bit pricey, depending on where you live and your budget. But we do what we have to do.

Most of my friends have long since been coloring their hair, either at home or professionally. I recently ran into an old friend who refused to believe I wasn’t coloring, until I had her peer at my temples. I won the genetic lottery with hair color and teeth. Weight control is a whole 'nuther story…

I don’t have a lot of patience so sitting in a hair salon for about 3-4 hours twice a year is about all I can handle. My hair is getting less gray ever since I started my floor exercises, it used to be worse when I first retired. Perhaps I’m getting healthier, who knows.
I put in an effort to look good if there’s a wedding, photos will be around for years is the reason, other than that I don’t even blow dry my hair regularly.

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I had very short hair until the pandemic. I let it grow and wear it in a ponytail . I had it done in a chignon bun by daughter in law’s hair person she had for the day for son’s recent wedding and got lots of compliments. . I may keep it longer for awhile. I have never dyed or permed my hair ever so never had that expense.
And when I was getting my hair cut, I went usually to Great Clips , so minimal expense there(and usually used gift cards I had asked for for that).
I started cutting my husband’s hair during the pandemic so no expense there these days.


I’m with you on the low maintenance aspect. I do blow dry my hair, but I wear it short, and by blow dry I mean bend over and wave the dryer back and forth at my head for 30 seconds, lol.

I’ve always refused any hairstyle that required more than two minutes of my time. I’m at the point now where as long as it’s off my face and looks decent I’m happy. Fortunately my stylist is excellent and gives me cuts that stand up to my neglect, though I never look so good as the day I come out of the salon.

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I think a lot of folks decided to let their hair grow during and after the pandemic. Likewise some decided to stop coloring and just let it go gray.

I did used to have long hair, and permed it. 1980s anyone? My hair is thin and fine, so a perm gave good body. I’m one of those whose hair actually looks better in humid weather.


Do you go to Chinatown to save money on haircuts on the same trip you make to pick up Chinese food?

I have. Not often.

P.S. I had a $10 haircut once and the hairdresser could not stop talking about her Ivy-bound kid!


Sport Clips is something like $22.

I avoid looking at wife/kids’ receipts from the “Salon and Spa”


Our town is pretty well-known for its hair salons.

You have to book months in advance to get in with the popular stylists and a cut and full foil runs around $230. Ouch. Bayalage is very popular and also pricey, but I’ve never had it.

Fortunately, DH prefers to go to the “super-“ & “great-“ cuts places for like $20. He was too excited last weekend that they punched his card for his 10th haircut so it was free! :tada:

So, if you calculate the average of our respective salon expenditures, I guess we spend around $125 per visit (though my husband goes far more often so it’s actually much less). I’m going with that.

Guy here. When the pandemic first hit, haircut places were closed for months, and my hair was getting excessively long for me.

So I decided to go full bald and haven’t looked back sense. Other than the roughly $100 in shaving equipment about 2 years ago, my haircuts have been free, and take only a few minutes every few days.

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H and I have haircuts at cheap Great Clips place for $10-20 apiece plus any tip. You can make an appointment and get a text when it’s your turn or just show up.

We used to have a friend cut out hair at our home for $20 apiece. She stopped due to Covid. She was trained in one of the most prominent studios in our city. She did a nice job.

Good idea, ignorance is bliss.

Back in the day, I experimented with my hair a LOT. As ever, I have fun stories to tell.

London, 1985. I’m there doing study abroad. London is HAPPENING, and so was I. I was cool, like, totally rad! Dad gave me cash and I immediately blew it on hair and clothes. I went to the coolest , most happening salon at the time, Antenna. I defy you to find anything more 80’s than this:

I went in with a wad of cash and told them to do anything they liked to my hair. Anything!

It was amazing. I think I paid £100, an astronomical sum at the time. I looked like a beautiful, new wave lioness, except a lioness with purple, red and white hair.

Here is a cleverly disguised pic of me, circa 1985, after my amazing Antenna hair cut. It’s hard to see the purple, but it was there at the front. How cool was I? And yes, I had fun doctoring my photo😆

Still my favorite cut of all time.

These days, I use henna at home, and so does my daughter. It’s messy, but it looks amazing and costs maybe $15.


I have been cutting husband’s hair since the pandemic. Our son’s wedding was last month and I just figured he’d go to a barber/salon before that. He didn’t and his hair actually looked fine. I was a little surprised how hair cutting was not that hard. And once I did it once and it turned out okay, I/we figured we could keep doing it. I’ll be curious to see when he decides to go back to SuperCuts!


I pay $140 plus tip for a cut and highlights about every 10 weeks. My current stylist does a great job and I think she is a bargain.


I have been going to the same hairdresser for 30 years. We started at 30, and now I am paying 125 for cut and color. When I lived abroad, I would come back every 3 months to get my haircut.


Womens cuts here are about $35-40. Color will add about $75-100 to that.

Bayalage with cut here would be about $175-200.

I rarely get my hair done. But I’m splurging for my birthday and going to trial one of those beach wave perms which will cost me about $200.

Im making one last appointment for trims for my D25 and I next week at the salon in town (because I could get her in quick). Im getting my beach wave perm done elsewhere because I feel their beliefs will more align to my own. If Im going to throw big money and have to make small talk, I would rather it be with someone who I don’t have to hold my tongue back with (Im off to the salon run by a gay couple versus the church preaching owners of the local salon).

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I also have been going to my stylist for 30 years. I see her 4-5 times a year. Currently I pay $85 for the cut and give her a 20% tip. I don’t color or perm my hair…I have just a few white hairs and for some reason my hair has gotten more wavy as I’ve gotten older.

During the pandemic (for maybe 20 months) I cut both my husband’s and son’s hair. I did a pretty good job but I did take at least twice as long as one done professionally. We kept saying that from beginning to end, it probably took as long as going to a shop, if you included the commute time. Oh well.

I’m going to confess to paying a lot more for my haircuts in the past year than I ever did before. I always had short hair, and because I had to get it cut often, I went to hairdressers who worked at home. They charged less than I would have paid in a salon ($35 was the most I paid). When my hair was colored, I did it myself for a few years. I eventually had my hairdresser do it. Can’t remember what I paid, but it wasn’t a lot - maybe $65 for cut & color. I stopped coloring five years ago & I embrace my gray. During the lockdown, I decided to grow my hair long for the first time in my life. It looked awful for months, but I wasn’t going anywhere, so I just let it grow. I finally went to my D’s hair stylist for a good cut. I love it, and I consider it worth every penny of the $100 charge (plus I tip on top of that). I only need it cut every 5 months or so, and he trims my bangs for free in between. I pay less than I was paying for my cuts in the long run, and I feel really good due to what I consider a very flattering cut.


A good hair stylist cuts your hair so it grows out well. I don’t have curly hair but a good cut is especially helpful.

I’ve had good cuts, bad cuts and so so cuts. It’s not about how it looks right afterwards or even 2 weeks later. But how it looks the day before your appointment.


My hair is naturally highlighted because of my swimming, if I have to pay for it, it will be more expensive. Perms don’t take to my hair for some reason so I don’t do it.