How much do you pay for haircuts and/or coloring, etc…

I reach around in the shower and snip off an inch or so when I feel like it. I have always done that, ever since a traumatic hair cut when I was 12 :slight_smile: Luckily my hair is curly so mistakes don’t really show.

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$55 for a color every 4 weeks and 4 weeks later cut and color $110. Stylist before covid was in a salon with 4 other stylist. When they were finally allowed to open again ( 3 months ???) ,she opened in a “ My Salon Suites”. She has her own suite , and you are the only client there. I love it!


$85 plus tip for highlights, cut and style.

I go every 7 weeks.

During pandemic I didn’t go for over a year!!! First appt I made after getting vaxed was hair appt!

My daughter (adopted from China) went to pre-k in eastern Chinatown and we tried a few hair places. We found a Thai-Chinese woman who did a good job on both of us, and then one day she told me she was sellng the business but would still work there. The next time we went looking for her, the shop was a liquor store.

We tried a few other places. In one of them, when I looked through the style books, the owner “helpfully” gave me a photocopy of style pages from an English-language style book. She gave me a good haircut though! The next time I went there, there were new owners, and I have been going there ever since, at least 10 years. It’s owned by a couple; the husband hardly speaks English. Their older daughter got into MIT and Harvard (graduated from Harvard a few years ago, worked for Google for several years, is now engaged to and works for another Google alumnus in CA who is now some kind of entrepreneur. The son went to NYU, full ride, then SUNY Stony Brook dental school and now has his own practice. We always compare notes and photos.

The husband apologized profusely when they raised their price for wash, cut, and blowdry from $10 to $12 just before the pandemic. I always wash my hair before I go, and the husband always gives me a GREAT haircut. My hair is short, thick and curly, and there is usually a big pile of hair on the floor when I’m done. They won’t let me leave until my hair is totally dry (for fear I will get sick going out with a wet head although it may be 90 degrees outside). I have sent friends, telling them to bring a selfie of what they want but not sure how many went. I did talk them into having an English price list. The wife is a colorist but I do not color my hair–at age 73, I have just a sprinkle of gray. If she does as good a job on her clients as her own hair represents, I’d say she does a great job.

Edited to add: of course I am a really, really good tipper!


Yep similar here. If you go into La Jolla or Del Mar, expect to pay double/triple what I pay.
My grey grows out terribly every 3 weeks!
I have shoulder length hair so:

$45 for color on roots only and I may have to do this every 3 weeks!
or $60 Color all over every 4 weeks.
or $110 Color + highlights to hide the grey which also includes, deep conditioner under the dryer, cut, straightener, every 6 weeks. My hair can get really dry when I use the straightener, so I really need that deep treatment.

Men’s cuts $18.
I have been going to her for 23 years (at least, that’s what she recently told me!)
She came over to my house during the Pandemic twice, to buzz cut the guy’s hair in our house. I tried and totally screwed up using a mustache groomer and awful scissors!
First time I ever saw my husband really want to tip her, big time, for gas money and special trip!

Thankfully, she started young and will continue to cut and color my hair.

During Prom season, you can’t get an appointment without booking way in advance.

I think it was $11.99

Pre- pandemic I pad $165 for cut and color but was never happy with h cut. I guess I’m sliding into post retirement grooming.


I’ve been cutting my own hair again, like was a grad student. It oooks fine from the front :wink:


My stylist came to house during the pandemic too! She wasn’t able to get me color from her salon, but said if I found something online ( told me what I needed), she would put the color on and leave. My husband was in charge of rinsing my hair in the laundry tub! ( color needs to stay on for 35 minutes, and I have shoulder length hair that was fine without a cut).
I gave her the amount I would have spent in the salon for the appts. I missed.
She had no idea I was going to do this.

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Some of the rates you all are sharing sound good!

I live in the NYC metro area, and rates at my salon are:

Women’s Cuts $75
Men’s Cuts $45
Highlights Full Head $175
Partial Highlights $150
Full Color $120


I trim my own bangs, and when my hair gets annoyingly long, I pay pilgrimage to my husband’s hair lady. I used to have hair longer than 3 feet, but got tired of braiding it. Had to braid it because chemistry labs and loose hair do not mix. When I turned 40, I said enough. Off it was chopped. :slight_smile: I’m in my fifties, and I still have only a few grey hairs (salmon and berries diet of my childhood or genetics?). I dread the day I have to color my hair… I know exactly what goes into those L’Oréal packets! :slight_smile: My husband keeps our local stylist employed. He pays $40 plus $20 tip to her every 6 weeks post-Covid. What the kiddos pay for their cuts is a deep mystery to me. Their money! :moneybag:


If you want to have a really good hair experience in my neck of the woods, go to Gene Juarez. It is a chain of very upscale salons. Their prices can be found here:

I go there once in a blue moon just before I have to renew my DL or passport. My official photos look semi-decent because of that! :laughing:


“I dread the day I have to color my hair.” Then just don’t do it. I am in my 60’s and have never colored my hair. I’m not about to start now! :slight_smile:


As I posted before, I’m 73 (74 on Sunday, ugh!) and have just a sprinkle of gray mostly on the sides. I think it’s genetic. So maybe you don’t have to worry!


I have always loved doing hair, my own included, and went to beauty school out of high school. I have been doing friends and family hair since I was 17. Our son got his first non-mom cut when he met the Army barbers at 18. Don’t get me started. DH’s hair is probably the main reason I married him, and he never lets anyone else touch it. I have always colored and highlighted my own hair. Occasionally, I will go to a salon for a cut when I’m going from a longer style to the very short style I prefer, and I will maintain from there. I thought it would be fun to grow out my hair one last time during Covid but it really was the last time as it was no longer flattering at all and such a pain to do. Just before we left for Maine last month, I went back to the very short length that I will probably wear forever. DH says he recognizes me now (my hair was about an inch all over when we met in college).

Now that my hair is back to short, I will return to my routine of going to a local salon at the holidays for a trim and a particular type of highlights. I pay $25 for the cut, $40 for the highlights.


I hate getting haircuts, but periodically I decide I look better with shorter hair. I used to go to a place where they charge $23 for a haircut $38 if they blow dry it. My husband started going to a salon that the guys in the gym were going to. The owner gave a good haircut, but it was $60. I used to dye my own hair but it made my scalp itch I gave it up five years ago. I’d gone back to long hair before the pandemic and it’s in a pony tail most of the time. It’s wavy and I’ve just been trimming the ends since the pandemic started. DH has grown a pony tail for the pandemic, I think his may be longer than mine, but he’s slightly balding. I actually like the way it looks in a pony tail, not so much when he thinks he needs to channel his inner Fabio.

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I pay $20 plus tip. It’s a simple cut that grows out well, so I go about every 6 months. No coloring. D goes to the same place when she’s in town.

Like many here, I cut H’s hair during the pandemic. At first I did a decent job but it took forever with scissors. I’ve since gotten clippers so it’s fast.

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If in the state of New York, wouldn’t that be illegal?

I’ve mostly been cutting my own hair since the pandemic. I did have one professional cut, which came to $30 including tip. So my net spending on hair in the past year was $30. Prior to the pandemic, it used to be <= $20 per cut.

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I’ve let mine go gray naturally. I actually began graying early, as did my mother and brother. My mom never dyed her hair, nor did her mother.


I’ve never dyed my hair. I loved it when it was dark and I love it now when it’s shiny and silver. My husband, daughter, son-in-law and I all go to the same stylist (not at the same time!) He (the stylist) talks about robotics with my husband, thrifting with my daughter, musical theater with me and horticulture with my son-in-law. I don’t know what they pay but I pay $47 plus generous tip every 8 weeks for a cut and am happy to do it.