<p>I'm a Junior who just took the SAT for the first time. I scored 800 on Reading, but I think I could improve on my Math and Writing scores. However, I worry that, if I take it again, I might end up without any 800s. </p>
<p>Which is better: a score with 800 on one section, or a score that is more even (something like 750/750/750)? Does a score of 800 really stand out, or is a high total more important?</p>
<p>Most colleges create a “superscore”, meaning they take the best score of each section and create the most impressive score possible for use in their review of your application. Schools aren’t all out to get you, don’t worry. Therefore, it doesn’t matter what you get on the Reading when you retake, because wherever you apply will just take the 800 as your best (that being said, I’m not sure if they frown upon completely blowing off the section you scored 800 in when you retake the test, so I’d recommend at least attempting to do well again). Either way, though, you get to decide what scores go to colleges, so you can retake the SAT without them ever seeing your original writing/math scores if it is a problem.</p>
<p>An 800 may or may not be impressive depending on the schools you’re looking at. I completely agree with praisebetoFSM about the score choice, and I think the composite score is more important.</p>
<p>I have the same problem! I got 800 on the math but a really crappy score on the Writing. I wonder whether I should retake, and risk getting less than perfect on the math…</p>