How much does being a URM help??

<p>I’m pretty sure I listed 1950 and 2370 on both, although I may have said 2300+ on the Michigan forum. I do not recall.</p>

<p>Anyway, yes I know there plenty of kids with better SAT and/or GPA.</p>



<p>While I’m not big on the whole concept of Chances for selective colleges, the difference between 1950 and 2370 is the difference between a score that is generally below the range of competitive candidates and a score that is at the top of the competitive range, respectively. So any assessment will be very different depending on the score you give.</p>

<p>And beyond the value of predictions, you should understand that credibility is a very important factor on a discussion forum. If you fail to provide accurate, consistent information, members are likely to refrain from discussion or worse. Everyone’s posting history is readily available to any other member, so your back history should not have major discrepancies.</p>

<p>p.s. why did you retake the ACT this month when you got a 2370 in Jan?</p>

<p>Yeah I understand; my apologies. For further clarification: my current SAT score is 2370 (800 CR, 800 M, 770W).</p>

<p>I re-took the ACT in the hopes of getting a 36.</p>

<p>That’s too bad there’s hate at your school over an SAT score. :frowning: I can’t imagine that… I’m guessing you come from an upper middle class background and go to a competitive school? That’s tough!</p>

<p>Yeah it’s quite annoying. And yes, my school’s one of the best public high schools in Michigan. But I think people should be viewed as more than their score. I’m not particularly smart, but rather got very lucky.</p>

<p>That’s so different than around here. I remember when my son was in 8th grade and he took the SAT I and got 2120. He told one person on his baseball team but he told other kids and coaches and at the awards banquet, they made a big deal of it as being inspiring and other kids were very supportive. Keep in mind, our local high schools aren’t academically competitive in any way. I guess there are plusses and minuses to every socio-economic and schooling situation. Most of the kids will end up either not going to college, going to the local community college, or perhaps a fortunate few will end up at SDSU or one of the UCs. This is one of the many reasons we homeschool.</p>

<p>Yeah over here (Ann Arbor) it’s pretty focused on numbers unfortunately. None of our public high schools rank, so the only way to discriminate is based off of standardized testing. Being a minority student with one of the higher test scores doesn’t help either.</p>

<p>I thought AA was more liberal than that ;)!</p>

<p>Haha yeah. I mean, other than SAT/ACT scores kids here don’t really care about who has the highest GPA or the most EC’s.</p>

<p>I love A2, because for the most part it’s really laid back; but there also are so many opportunities. So if I can get in Umich I will definitely attend.</p>