how much does being black help?


<p>Being black, gay, poor and any other “hook” makes it sound like you are looking for a backdoor into top colleges. I also don’t believe that you can’t afford a $25 SAT prep book. Nobody is going to believe that. People will think that you had better things to do with the $25. I hope you don’t tell colleges that because adults will think you are trying to be manipulative.</p>

<p>Warning, gross generalization about to commence:</p>

<p>There are two types of black applicants. </p>

<p>1) Those that want to be admitting despite their race so there isn’t a hint of “you got in because of affirmative action!”</p>

<p>2) Those that want to get in even if they know they aren’t qualified.</p>

<p>People that throw out hooks are the ones who are trying to sneak in when they realize they aren’t really competitive. The truth is that there are a lot of super qualified african american candidates that would get in no matter what color they are. To this group, being AA is just a nice benefit that “puts the feather on the scale” to hopefully tip it in their favor because it does offer a slightly statistical advantage for lots of socioeconomic reasons.</p>

<p>OK, stepping off of my soapbox now.</p>

<p>collegebound-I guess it is too late now, but for others that may be reading this, I found dozens of SAT/ACT prep books available through our public library system, some at our local library and others that I ordered from other libraries. And most kids don’t take prep classes.</p>

<p>Oh, and as the mother of 3 black sons I second everything that wherezwallace said. You really should rethink your title and your mindset.</p>

<p>To @hsgrad, yes. I went to both the bates and Colby fly-ins.</p>

<p>Okay to everyone attacking me: I’m not trying to “sneak into” colleges. I’ve worked my ass off throughout school. I go to the most rigorous college prep school in my state. I’m a national achievement scholarship winner. I’ve done 5+ ECs every semester and I’m on a nonprofit organization committee board. No I haven’t told counselors that I couldn’t afford testing help. Y’all don’t know me or my life so cut the “I don’t believe you couldn’t afford a book” crap. You don’t know me.</p>

<p>@maddaboutx there were a few things I found wrong in your post. </p>

<p>" The alcoholic, underpaid, hungry white guy and his wife that he was beating every night thought they were better than the the married, church going, college educated black couple" </p>

<p>I know you used adjectives to get your so-called point across but… </p>

<p>How does going to church makes you a better than a person who doesn’t?
How does being married makes you a better couple than a couple who’s not? (ex. Bradgelina)
How does being underpaid, uneducated, hungry makes you any less than a person who isnt?
People became alcoholics for different reasons, so stop stereotyping alcoholics as bad people. </p>

<p>I agree that wife beating makes you a lesser person (unless it was for self-defense), but the other adjectives were problematic af. </p>

<p>The white guy thought he was better because he was white. Period. Alcoholic or not. Christian or not. The other factors have nothing to do with it. The black couple isn’t any better( excluding the wife-beating) than the white couple and vice versa. </p>

<p>The white couple thought they were better because the institution told them they were. The black couple thought they were worse because the institution told them they were. In reality, they are not any better and worse than the other ( if you take out the wife beating).</p>

<p>“White privilege didn’t make white people rich or get them into exclusive schools and clubs.”</p>

<p>Um, yes it did/still do</p>

<p>White people got rich by taking /oil/spices/gold/land, etc from POCs around the world. Culture appropriation, sterotyping, and discrimination against POC in society, the workforce and other places (“besides college admissions”) is the reason why white people was rich, still rich, and are still going to be rich as a race as a whole until the white race die out in about 300 years.
Not all white people are rich. Most of them isnt. I agree. But there are a lot of factors that goes with this and a person of color doesn’t have to do with neither one. Elite privilege and sterotyping against the poor have to do with most . Heck, just read your the quote that I point out of your’s. </p>

<p>“I’m just saying, don’t begin life thinking like those people thought, using race and sexuality like VIP passes to the front of the line at Disney Park. Just be better and don’t let excuses weaken your determination.” </p>

<p>Only being rich gets you VIP passes and still do. Being black isn’t going to get you passes nowhere. It hurts being a POC especially a LESBIAN FEMALE POC. A white person who was convicted of a felony is still more likely to get a job than a black person with the same qualifications. If your homosexual, it might negatively impact it even more not neccessarily postively. With college admissions, the truth is OP did/do better than most within her race and income level and beat all the odds and therefore she is a good candidate regardless. A black person still have to be qualified to go to college and she is. Yes, it might be a little easier than an Asian or a White person to get in college but it should be because blacks were/ still are/ and still going discriminated against in the past, present, and future. And even with the education, a white person with or without is still more likely going to be more successful.</p>

<p>And lastly</p>


<p>Thank you so much ^</p>

<p>@wherezwallace </p>

<p>There are two types of black applicants. </p>

<p>1) Those that want to be admitting despite their race so there isn’t a hint of “you got in because of affirmative action!”</p>

<p>2) Those that want to get in even if they know they aren’t qualified."</p>

<p>Well, with first set, I say 10% is internally racist. And the other 90% have to do with white people making them feel that way. </p>

<p>The second set, I say 10% is lazy. The other 90% isn’t lazy and take advantage of their oppruntunities the same way white people, rich people, straight people, able people, etc take advantage of their privilege.</p>

<p>@collegebound752 you’re tired of white people, especially white males, thinking theyre discriminated against and POC who are internally racist and let white people or white washed POCs get to them.</p>

<p>If you have worked so hard and had the privilege of the best school in your state(which by the way will indicate to colleges that you did not have a subpar education that prevented you from getting top test scores) then you shouldn’t be marginalizing yourself by asking on a public forum if you can get a “pass” for being black…and then adding that you are queer and implying that that should be another trump card. You wouldn’t have posted at all if you were secure with your test scores, and then you bumped the thread repeatedly looking for “opinions”. So what did you want to hear? Obviously not actual opinions. Then if you get in you will be the same one complaining that the other students think you only got in because you were black…</p>

<p>@planner03, I never asked if I could get a pass for being black. If you read my original post then you will see that my original question was a “chance me”. Read the original question instead of attacking someone for something they didn’t say.</p>

<p>I didn’t say that the church going, married, college educated black couple were better people than the white alcoholic wife beater in my example. The point is that people like the white alcoholic wife beater had a sense of superiority and privilege over black couple who we could say are contributing more to American society and peaceful coexistence.</p>

<p>@Bestillmyheart, Your problem is with marriage and the church and traditional values. </p>

<p>My example is of good people vs riffraff and the unjust privilege that the riffraff once claimed for themselves although they derived no true material benefit from this so called privilege.</p>

<p>The privileges of being rich are enjoyed by rich people of all races. Oprah, Will Smith, Jay Z, Bob Johnson may get double takes when they walk into an exclusive club but they can still enjoy all its privileges with a flash of a red Amex card. They get offers nobody else gets to see, access to world class lawyers and security and insider status and information. </p>

<p>And rich people of all races exploit people equally as much. Jay Z gets rich spewing the N word. Half the rap industry is built on the N word. They sell their cheap, overpriced clothing lines, sneakers, jewelry and perfumes to an audience that needs education, jobs and wealth and live in ghettos where they shoot people for that stuff.</p>

<p>Nobody is blind to what goes on in this world but I see it all, not just one side. People of all races are equal opportunity bigots and exploiters and corrupt.</p>

<p>And nothing justifies going down that road with those people either because that’s what they want you to do. Archie Bunker can’t get along with George Jefferson because they both have prejudice in them yet they are more alike than the powers that be that like to play on those divisions. The powers that be of all races and ideologies love to see their poor, huddled masses taking sides and fighting each other while both sides laugh all the way to the bank. </p>

<p>Stop playing someone else’s game. Good people is what I’m about. A good gay atheist or good church going couple. As long as they are good people, I’m not fighting with anyone. It’s how when behaves that gives them moral superiority - don’t lie, don’t steal, work hard, help your neighbors and take care of your family.</p>

<p>If you can’t stand with me on that without getting hypersensitive about the words I used in a fictional example then hope is lost.</p>

<p>The title of your thread was “how much does being black help”, so is that is not implying that you expect being black to help"? And that is what posters are responding to…and as far as chancing you, posters have done that as well and you don’t like the results.</p>

<p>I listed other schools besides brown and cornell. But everyone ignored those and instead attacked me for other things. If you have nothing constructive to say, don’t post. Thank you.</p>

<p>What are traditional values exactly?
Traditional values of wife staying home and being submissive to her man and not being able to do with she wants? Or how it’s a double standard how it was ok back then for white men to rape a black women so they can have slave babies but if a black man did the same thing to a white women he was lynched?( Rape is wrong either way. )Or if a woman is promiscuous she is seen as a whore but if a man sleeps around its “acceptable”. These are traditional values.
Traditional values as in men and women can only marry within their race, religion, and the women have to be a virgin? Yes, I’m against that. Yes, I have a problem. Yeah, i have a problem with white people taking away POCs culture so they can be “civilized”. Traditional values only benefit the white man. Christianity is a white man religion that’s why they claim Jesus as white when he’s not. I have a problem with that.I have a problem with traditional values when it excludes people of different races, religions, and sexual orientations and if it expect women to act a certain way.
I have no problem with a women staying home but only if that’s her choice.
What are the traditional values that you and others speak of?
If it includes consists of exclusion and wanting people to act a certain way then I have a problem.
If a person wants to be “traditional” that’s fine but I’m against the traditional institution because it only benefits the white man. </p>

<p>Black people say the n word so they can change it from something negative to positive. I personally don’t say it, but I do have a problem with it now since a bunch of whiteys now wanna say it.
Yes rich people of all races have it good and take advantage of the poor. I agree and I hate it. BUT THAT’S NO WHERE NEAR AS BAD AS A WHITE MAN DOING THE SAME THING. THE AVERAGE WHITE MAN STILL HAVE A LOT OF PRIVLEDGE. THE AVERAGE BLACK MAN DOESN’T.
It’s nothing wrong with taking advantage of your opportunities. It’s impossible to scoop down to the white mans’s level when there the worlds minority but still have more influence than the worlds majority. She’s not hurting anybody else’s chances by being black. They hurt her chances in the beginning for her having ****ed up circumstances. She can take advantage of that all she wants because they take adavantage of their white privledge when it comes to everything else in life. She nots scooping to their level because it’s impossible because they still have many more privledges. But, forget all of that, why not have revenge?
She’s not physically hurting anybody.</p>

<p>Forgive my errors. I’m typing on my iPod.</p>

<p>I forgot…</p>

<p>I am an HSP but the words you used was problematic because they included sterotypes and i’m against that.
I HOPE we can get past the sterotypes. Why is it that its unhopeful that I want people to use words that wouldn’t offend anybody? But again, I am an HSP. That’s why defended OP when nobody else would.</p>

<p>I listed other schools besides brown and cornell</p>

<p>Actually those are the only 2 in your opening post…right below the title that you are also back paddling on…</p>

<p>And believe it or not, I was trying to be constructive, just not in a way that you are interested in hearing.</p>

<p>I later listed more schools. No, you are not being constructive. I asked for chances at schools and instead you simply attacked me for using my race etc etc. As bestillmyheart said, there’s nothing wrong with taking advantage of opportunities given to you by your skin color, as the white race has done for centuries. Thank you for your time, please **** off.</p>

<p>Back to the first questions; You should take the sat again at the end of the month. Get a test prep book from your counselor or library. Brown I think is a big reach just from what I saw at school last year. Cornell might be a better bet…maybe. On the flip side Colby is said to be really working on geographic and racial diversity and I think your scores are okay plus you did the fly in. That should help.</p>

<p>Thank you, I’ll do that</p>