How much does being Class President help an application?

<p>So last week I was elected Senior Class President for next year. How much do colleges value this position? I'm hoping it may offset subpar SAT IIs when looking at my whole appication.</p>

<p>My other top leadership positions are Editor-in-Chief of my school's newspaper and Science NHS Vice President.</p>

<p>Where are you applying and what are your scores?</p>

<p>Being class president will show lots of leadership especially you are president during your senior. Other extracurrics look nice too.</p>

<p>Do not, however, think that any extracurriculars can take a place of low SAT or GPA. It doesn't work like that. Try retaking the SAT's again</p>

<p>When it comes to the very top universities, being class president, editor in chief, etc. is the norm, so will not compensate for low SAT IIs. </p>

<p>I agree with UCBUCB about studying for the SAT IIs and retaking them.</p>

<p>Well, I have Duke in mind for Early Decision. I got a 2240 on my SATs in January. I was tutored for SAT IIs but the Math II was just an absolute monster last weekend. I got as high as 780 on practice tests, but I'd be surprised if I broke 700. I also took the Literature, and I'm not expecting more than a 700 there as well.</p>

<p>I don't think class president will offset low SAT IIs for schools like Duke. However, that doesn't mean that you shouldn't apply. It's your whole application that counts, not just one or two factors, so strangers like me can't tell you how you'll do in admissions. Best of luck!</p>

<p>Thanks. I might go ahead and take US History in October.</p>

<p>If it makes you feel better, the one big "upset" at my school this year, in which someone with subpar grades (though good SATs) but amazing ECs got into a top college, was at Duke (though interestingly, though about 5 people from my school got in, the one person who applied ED was deferred and then rejected).
Of course, his ECs were a bit better than "Class President"'s my experience that student gov't officers don't do much at all....but perhaps at your school it's different.</p>

<p>Is any SGA position given the same credit as, say, President? Is VP or Treasurer equal in stature?</p>

<p>High-five Mr. Yankee, we're in almost the exact same boat SAT and SAT II-wise (except I'm VP instead of President)</p>

<p>The top SGA position is student body president. Being treasurer or SGA VP or class president doesn't carry as much weight.</p>

<p>The top student school position is being the student representative on the local school board, something that some cities and counties have.</p>

<p>When it comes to the very top colleges, they get a lot of applications from SGA presidents, so what makes such applicants stand out is what they accomplished in their position. Admissions officers know that there are lots of SGA presidents who are in token positions with no power or whose so-called power is determining the prom theme. Consequently, admissions officers are most likely going to be impressed by students who spearheaded major projects during their SGA tenure such as getting the school to build a Habitat for Humanity house as one SGA president managed to do.</p>

<p>I don't know exact stats, but our class officers, including the president got into UCLA, Stanford, Princeton, and Yale.</p>

<p>Math IIC has a decent curve. You should be fine.</p>

<p>I agree with Northstarmom.</p>

<p>Just being Class President without doing much (or anything) doesn't help.</p>

<p>In my school, the class offices are pretty much figureheads beyond prom; the administration doesn't let our school do anything different without the approval of both vice-principals, the principal, and the district board of education. </p>

<p>I'm Senior Class VP. How do I change this bureaucracy? Can one man fight city hall?</p>

<p>It proves you were able to win a popularity contest with the geek with horn-rimmed glasses who promised to keep the prom "safe and clean," at least at my school.</p>

<p>you stand a good chance at Duke, esp. ED</p>

<p>I agree with redknight. With the way high schools in America work nowadays, Student Council positions are just popularity contests. Unless you utilize office and do something newsworthy, it won't help much at the top universities.</p>

<p>I just got my SAT II scores, and I was pleasantly shocked. 710 on Math Level 2 and 780(!!!!) on Literature. I don't think I'll have to be taking or retaking anything else! Thanks for your support and advice.</p>