How much does it matter when you apply for major admission?

I haven’t submitted my application yet, haven’t had much time,but I should finally be done with everything in a couple days.
Otherwise, I think I have a high chance of getting in and I’m top 10% admit wanting to go into the engineering program. But will submitting this late in the cycle hurt my chances for getting into A&M engineering? (I’m also applying to UT, if anyone could answer the same question for them that’d be very helpful)

Submitting this late will not affect your admissions into the engineering major for A&M.
Since you are top 10%, you will be admitted to the university. Getting accepted into engineering will be based on your math and physics readiness. If your qualifications were not strong enough for full admissions to engineering, you could be offered one of the engineering academies at Blinn or Mc Allen. The engineering major makes up for nearly half of the freshman class each year at around 4800 students in College Station.

UT engineering will be a whole other ball game. Top 10% means nothing for admission to the university and it will be your qualifications that make or break it for admissions to the major. My son was not auto admit to the university, was National merit commended, very high math score on SAT, and lots of physics and calculus with high scores and also held an internship at Lockheed Martin as a Senior in high school. He was offered admission to UT but any other major other than STEM and accepted Engineering at A&M. Competition is tough. UT won’t won’t even consider below a 620 SAT in math and that is not even considered competitive for consideration. It is uber competitive to gain admissions to engineering.

Date of application means squat for these majors. They are looking for best fit, not first come, first served. A&M has a 55% retention rate for engineering. Many find the major isn’t the one for them and the classes often dictate that the major isn’t the one for many. Freshman math and physics weed out a lot of students.