How much is NMS for Northeastern?

How much did you receive for the National Merit Scholarship or the National Hispanic Recognition Program Scholarship, per semester?

Now that it says “a competitive scholarship”, what is the maximum?

Can they change it to increase the award amount, and if so, then how should one go about doing this?


You’ve previously claimed that you had a $0 COA for Northeastern which people have pointed out sounds a bit strange if it is not mostly need-based. Have you double-checked that? What is the current full package that Northeastern is offering? People will be better able to help you if you can fully lay that out.

It is both need based and merit scholarship based, and the combination makes my personal COA = $0. However, I am wondering what offers other people received for the scholarship and if it is possible to change this amount.

Merit ranges and you can always try for more, but historically NMF has been max 30K a year and ranging from 15-30K.

Why would you want to change your scholarship amount if you already have a COA of zero?

I was wondering about increasing the scholarship because just in case my financial aid grant gets reduced in the coming years, I know that the scholarship in guaranteed.

Also, do you mean 30k per semester? since I received more 30k our year, but less than 30k per semester.

per year

I received 40k per year & 20k for each additional semester

Northeastern actually guarantees that your aid won’t be decreased in subsequent years! It will actually increase along with tuition cost raises as well where a scholarship won’t, so need-based aid would actually be preferred.

Gotcha! I meant per year, so it sounds like it was bumped up to 40K max this year and you got the maximum.


Wow, didn’t know that about the aid, that’s really great.

Thanks so much, you are super helpful!!!

You posted this in a Northeastern thread:

Could you spell out exactly what you award letter is offering since your posts contradict each other.

sorry for the confusion, I will clarify with everything in PER YEAR format

first, I received an honors scholarship at 35k

then, I was alerted about my NMF scholarship and financial aid, which bring me to 70k per year, with 40k of this being NMF scholarship

ths=us the cost of attendance is basically 0 right now