<p>^ Same here. I think we haven't been added to the system yet or something.</p>
<p>HM... I can't get through to customer service.. it's driving me crazy! So.. about the $100 SIR fee that we paid in May.. it doesn't show up as a credit to my account on my ebill. Do we just subtract this amount ourselves?</p>
<p>My SHIP was waived.</p>
<p>Do any of you guys know how often E-bill is updated? E-bill information and Bearfact's CARS Quick Statement still don't correspond. I gave up on trying to reach the Billing and Payments Office......I'm only hoping that my Bearfact's CARS information is the most updated one (Minimum Amount Due Now and Minimum Due + Full Reg Fee are $0)</p>
<p>As long as CARS states that you paid all the registration and housing fees for August, you're good to go. E-bill is simply a way for Cal to make money. I got a paper bill last week as well.</p>
<p>E-bill only detects payment if you pay it through their online payment system. So don't worry.</p>
<p>thank you!! you don't realize how much I feel better right now</p>
<p>sorry for a stupid question...but whats the point of EFT...i mean if you pay through e-bills...they jsut take the money away from your checkin or savings account.... there arent any refunds or anything....do we have to have an EFT thing?</p>
<p>sorry one more stupid question....in bearfacts ...under financial aid...i go to my missing documents and it says .... Student financial aid record for Aid Year 2005-2006 not found. .........umm what is that about...?</p>
<p>EFT is for refunds that we receive. And I dont know, you should call Financial Aid.</p>
<p>i'm in the same boat as sean11, i guess my financial aid isn't found either....i'm so lost, and i haven't signed up for e-bill so i got a paper bill that didn't have a minimum balance due or any registration fees due, just the remaining account balance..so i don't know if i'm supposed to actually pay anything myself on the 15th..because my financial aid already paid for some..so i don't know, if anyone can help, that'd be cool.</p>
<p>according to fin aid, no interest or late charges will accrue until September 15th so you have a bit of time to work it all out, you can even ask some one in person in about a week!</p>
<p>have people all ready paid through e-bill yet for the aug 15 due date?</p>
<p>i have a quick question. it might sound stupid but im confused! the statement said that my account balance is X amount of dollar.. but my minimum payment due is $0.. so i dont have to pay anything by august 15th???</p>
<p>no, that is just what you'll entually have to pay later. if your "min. payment due now" is 0.00, you're good. either you already paid that amount through e-bill or paper check, or a loan/grant covered it.</p>
<p>Izzie Bear</p>
<p>Sean11: I didn't pay through e-bill; I paid through my banks system and yes it cleared (in about 3 business days).</p>
<p>from quick statement</p>
<p>Minimum Amount Due Now: $0.00
Minimum Due + Full Reg Fee: $0.00
Account Balance: $-----.-- (censored on purpose)</p>
<p>So, I dont have to pay now but, I mean, I do have the money thats listed on the account balance. I can just pay now right? This is for the whole school year?</p>
<p>Yeah, it's for the full school year. However, if you pay it all at once, you're charged with a convenience fee.</p>
<p>How did you get SHIP waived? When I tried the waive online, i got some weird error like this. this was both on 8/12 and 8/13</p>
<p>The page cannot be displayed
There is a problem with the page you are trying to reach and it cannot be displayed.</p>
<p>Please try the following:</p>
<pre><code>* Click the Refresh button, or try again later.
* Open the app.uhs.berkeley.edu home page, and then look for links to the information you want.
<p>HTTP 500.100 - Internal Server Error - ASP error
Internet Information Services</p>
<p>I did my SHIP waiver the last week of May so I didn't encounter that problem.</p>