How much will an upward trend help me?

<p>Unforunately i did incredibly terrible my first year and 1/2 of high school pretty much due to lazyness and ignorance(i kinda thought my incredibly low GPA was decent). So basically i'm doing really well this semester. Last quarter i had 6 As and 1 B and this 1/4 im looking to do the same, im expecting around a 3.8 for my junior year which will be MUUCH better than what i had my first year and a half of high school. Bottom line is i expect to have a 3.1-3.3 by the end of junior year. I know i have to do more things such as the SAT/ACt, ECs, community service etc. But i'm just wondering how much of a difference will it make if i have a ginormous upward trend. </p>

<p>P.S: i'm not going to be applying to Ivies(LOL at one point i thought i had a chance) mostly public schools and big private schools. </p>

<p>I'm born to Nigerian immigrants</p>

<p>bummpppp bump</p>

<p>It will help ALOT</p>

<p>Bump bumppppp</p>

<p>I am in the exact same situation, except I also have internships and leadership under my belt. How much will it help people like me and Coola426 if we were to apply to…lets say… top 30 schools?</p>

<p>I’m in a similar predicament and I want to apply to USC. But i’ve been taking honors classes, two AP’s (self-studied one) and have alright EC’s. I hope the trend helps us…</p>