How much will this hurt me :/? (Lit Subject Test)

<p>So, I just found out today, despite practicing, I got a 590 on my Lit Subject Test. I took it before in October and received a 620 and hoped for better results this time. I cannot obviously take it again in December and January is too late.
I am hoping to get into schools like University of Washington at Seattle, Boston University, and UCSB. </p>

<p>For other records, I received a 770 on my US history Subject test.</p>

<p>Thank you.</p>

<p>Bumping this because I’m curious as well- I received a score in the low 600s on the lit test despite all my other scores being above 700. My understanding is that Lit is one of the harder tests, but I don’t know how much weight that will carry regardless.</p>

<p>From what I hear, it doesn’t really matter as long as you have two (or whatever number your preferred college requires) SAT II tests with scores above 700. Hope this helps!</p>