<p>I'm usually not one to make excuses, but I was having a really bad week when I took the October Subject Tests (one of my friends died in an alcohol-related stunt....) I just want to know if my test scores are going to hurt me much when it comes to admissions at the top ivies.</p>
<p>Math II: 740
Spanish Reading: 760
English Literature: 710</p>
<p>The percentiles for most of these scores are like 75% or less....</p>
<p>Depends on where you’re applying. They’re all great scores. Except the Math 2 for selective colleges. I got 730 in Math 2, think I’ll retake.</p>
<p>Edit: Didn’t read the Ivy bit. They might hurt if your transcripts and SAT I scores aren’t so great; but these are very decent scores. Honestly.</p>
<p>Your 760 is good, if you’re nonnative, the other two are kind of low.</p>
<p>@decillion- I am a non-native speaker. Do you think it would be worthwhile to retake any tests?</p>
<p>@canhazphysics- so you’re saying that my scores might just be viewed as a hiccup if the rest of my numbers are strong? I’ve taken as many AP courses as my school will let me and made As in all of them, with fives on their respective exams. And I made a 2360 on SAT I (760 in math). Will my numbers “lessen” the impact of my SAT IIs, so to speak, or will the discrepancy look weird?</p>
<p>Keep in mind I’m applying to Harvard, Stanford, Northwestern, and the like…I understand numbers aren’t everything, but I also want to make sure I’m not ruining my chances at these schools just because I was having a cruddy test-taking day.</p>
<p>To be honest, I think people keep overexaggerating the importance of subject tests. They will only do the make or break situation where you’re right on the line between accept and reject</p>
<p>Colleges don’t look at percentile for test score they just look at what you receive and treat it as such so its always good to be in the 700’s but it won’t kill you not to be in the higher 700’s</p>
<p>Given your other stats, they won’t even think about it. It’s easy enough to have a bad day for anyone, they know that. However, it’s not easy to be so lucky so as to get 700+ on two tests. So you’re safe on that front. Plus, with your As and APs, why are you worrying at all? You’re in great shape.</p>
<p>Those scores are still pretty decent.
I’m actually in a similar position to you…One good score and two “sub-par” scores–at least for Ivys.
But honestly, your other stats are amazing…so I wouldn’t worry too much.
If anything, maybe focus on one exam (either math II or lit) and just take that in November with the goal of a 750+ if you really feel the need (so that way you have two strong scores).
But honestly, I don’t think that’s necessary.
Good luck! :)</p>