How much will this hurt me?

<p>I've been taking classes at a community college since freshman year. I've gotten okay grades, but have a not so impressive GPA. I will have taken 43 credits and my GPA will be 3.6 at the end of this year (junior). How much will this have an impact on where I can go? My highschool GPA is a lot higher, as I was only a part time student at the community college. Will my GPA at the college even matter? And if so, how much? My high school GPA will be higher than 3.8.</p>

<p>Anyone have any ideas? Thanks in advance. =)</p>

<p>If I understand you correctly, you’re a high school student who’s taken CC courses to supplement your high school workload, and you’ve gotten mostly As and Bs at the CC while maintaining excellent grades in high school. And you will apply to four-year colleges as a high school senior for freshman status. Correct? </p>

<p>If so, this will not hurt you at all; most colleges will look very favorably on your (successful) efforts to seek a rigorous courseload and educational enrichment beyond what your high school offers. And you’ve demonstrated that you are perfectly capable of succeeding in college-level courses.</p>

<p>Submit your CC transcript with pride; it will be an /addition/ to your high GPA in high school, not a detriment.</p>