How often do you eat out?

<p>This includes fast food, school lunches, restaurants, etc.</p>

<p>about 4x a week</p>

<p>define “etc” </p>

<p>just kidding :D</p>

<p>like, once in every two months.</p>

<p>5-7 times a week during school. (School lunches included in tuition)</p>


<p>This thread has ** so ** much potential. </p>


<p>If you’re thinking what I think you’re thinking, I already thought of that but I thought that it might be a little too much.</p>

<p>It doesn’t help that the OP’s name is “gotmilk” but that’s just me in the gutter. </p>

<p>I only go out to eat every few weeks.</p>



<p>Every morning, my friend. Its wonderful, very passionate, and tasty.</p>

<p>Life is very good. ;)</p>

<p>every day, she just wont let me take a break cause its so good… :wink: now that ive released my inner gutterness, i eat out about 3 times a week, and its heavy stuff too, suprisingly im still pretty much underweight lol</p>

<p>I need to lost body fat. lul.</p>

<p>Rarely, eating out is one of the reasons America is such a fat country. I eat a healthy home cooked meal.</p>

<p>I always buy lunch at school, but we got out to dinner about once every two weeks.</p>

<p>Sent from my iPhone using CC</p>



<p>If this includes school lunches, then every weekday. My lessons never end before lunchtime so I always have to eat in school.</p>

<p>Seldom. Restaurants maybe a couple times a month. Fast food very rarely, probably less than once a month on average (well I probably eat Subway a couple times a month). I bring lunches to school, probably buy something in addition a couple times a month.</p>

<p>I don’t think school lunches should count just because most people (such as myself) eat it everyday…I mean maybe it’s a public school thing and most everyone here is from private/ boarding school but I don’t know…</p>

<p>I work at an Italian Restaurant so I pretty much eat my dinner there whenever I work. Would that count as eating out ? </p>

<p>And I eat some kind of fast food almost everyday…it’s crazy that I’m not fat or anything.</p>

<p>I think in my entire life I’ve eaten something that has been cooked in my house about 10-15 times</p>

<p>Nearly every school day, plus a meal during my breaks (I work in a restaurant), but rarely otherwise. About 5-7 times a week.</p>

<p>Every meal</p>

<p>Breakfast I usually go to either a bagel shop, coffee place with pastries, or starbucks. Lunch I always go out to eat with friends during our hour break. And dinner I just eat out or order it to pick up.</p>