How often do you fall asleep in class?

<p>Sometimes? Never?
I never do. With the exception of during a studyhall...</p>

<p>lol i fall asleep almost every morning in French class, its early and boring and my teacher likes me so its pretty easy.</p>

<p>Never which is surprising since I don’t get much sleep.</p>

<p>I never actually fall asleep, but I do put my head down occasionally.</p>

<p>It used to be never for me. I have a very long attention span with teachers, but these days my lids keep shutting especially when the overhead is on and its dark. But usually I have tons of HW to do so sleeping is impractical.</p>

<p>Every single day in about 4/6 classes. Sometimes 5, if precalc permits.</p>

<p>I’ve never fallen asleep in class. There’s something inside me that detests the idea of someone watching me sleep haha.</p>

<p>Im always on the verge of falling asleep during swimming months, but i usually just feel the urge to shut my eyes, not to lose awareness, but just do everything i would do, just with my eyes closed. Its really awkward, the other day I answered a question with my eyes just barely open.</p>

<p>I fall asleep for 1-2 minutes in every class. I’m talking about repeatedly closing your eyes for about 5 secs and waking up and closing them again…</p>

<p>AAaahahah, don’t you guys hate it when you’re in class [or anywhere for that matter] and you slowly drift off to sleep, and then RIGHT when you’re almost completely asleep, you like jerk out of it and then you’re like “crap, now I’m awake…”
Haha, or maybe that’s just me?</p>

<p>Anyhow, I nevvver sleep in class, it’s too disrespectful and makes me feel bad. Lol.</p>

<p>I never do. Class sizes are too small, so it’s easy to get spotted.</p>

<p>And then the teacher rips you apart with snide remarks and sassy comments, making fun of you while you sleep and then destroying your self confidence when you awaken.</p>

<p>Every class, the teachers don’t really care.</p>

<p>Only during the first two weeks of school in very dull classes.</p>

<p>Rarely. Classes are usually big but I always feel like I’m the one who’ll get noticed. Case in point: Last year, during the world’s worst Marie Antoinette video, at 1:30 in the afternoon, last block, with the windows open to the light 70-degree breeze, I fell asleep. Literally, 2/3 of the class was sleeping, completely conked out.</p>

<p>And as I walked out of class, my teacher goes, “Did my video bore you?”</p>

<p>Almost never; I usually get enough sleep at night to last me through the day.</p>

<p>I do doze off without fail, however, at any sort of school mandated religious event (Mass, Chapel Prayer, etc.). If there’s enough room then I’ll whip out a pillow, lie flat on the bench, and fall asleep, if it’s tight I’ll just sleep sitting up. I’ve sat next to the dean of students and done this, so I don’t think anyone in particular cares.</p>

<p>how do teachers not care for you guys? wow, maybe my classes are just really small, but teachers know/dont like when students fall asleep</p>

<p>I’ve actually only fallen asleep in class once, terrible time to do it too.
It was during Sophmore year in Geometry, we had a test and lets just say I did NOT pass it. D:</p>

<p>In HS falling asleep can hurt you b/c the teacher will start to dislike you. Not a problem in college.</p>

<p>But I used to asleep in my AP Gov class ALL the time. The lectures were so boring and I was taking it 2nd semester of Senior year AND I wasn’t even taking the test. The only scary part was that the teacher used to call on us randomly to ask questions.</p>

<p>The problem with me though is that I never actually fall into deep sleep. Like my body wants to sleep but my mind won’t shut down completely b/c I know I’m in school and not in bed.</p>

<p>Uhhhh, yes!</p>

<p>And it’s embarrassing considering the fact that I’m supposed to be a role model student in my school. The teacher watches and laughs during the lecture to find me dozing off and waking up again. But, I redeem myself on the test or quiz… or at least try to. </p>

<p>Oh, and my notes prove it because of the long, stray marks I make from dropping my pen or pencil.</p>

<p>Lately it’s been all the time and it really bothers me, especially in math. The last few classes I could not stay awake for the life of me, I mean seriously when I had my head of it was nodding extremely & constantly and once the bell rang I had no idea what the lesson was about D: she doesn’t let us sleep in class which makes it even worse, torture actually. I fall asleep in other classes to, just depends what we’re doing.
It sucks.</p>