how often do you wash your shirt?

<p>how many times do you wear your shirt before you wash it?</p>


<p>i have a ton of shirts, so usually only once, but sometimes ill wear a pair of jeans two or three times before washes.</p>

<p>Usually once, but twice if I only wore it for a short time/it doesn't smell or look worn at all. This is mostly for space-saving purposes in the washer/dryer.</p>

<p>Several times (2-3). Unless I'm working out in it, I think it's just wasteful to wash your shirt after every wear. Maybe if you sweat a lot you should wash it more often, but I don't really see a need.</p>

<p>If I've been wearing it all day, I'll usually sleep in it too (if it's a t-shirt) and then I'll throw it in the laundry. I feel this gets a good use out of it. If I've only worn it a short time, like if it's a cute top that I just wore out for a couple hours, I'll probably rewear it again in a couple days. I rewear my jeans several times though, probably 4 or 5 times, before I wash them. I don't have that many.</p>

<p>Right now in the winter where I don't sweat and rarely leave my dorm, save for class and food, I can probably get away with 2-3 times.</p>

<p>edit: I wear my jeans for 2-3 months without washing them (one pair).
realize: I don't do anything that would get them sweaty or "dirty."</p>

<p>t-shirts....i generally wear all day and then to bed, so after one wear most of the time. unless it's the shirt that i wear to basketball games (our student section has a certain shirt), then i'll wear it to 2 or 3 games or until laundry day, whichever is first. </p>

<p>work t-shirts......shirts that i wear to work at football i wash after every practice because we work up a fairly good sweat and i can just toss those clothes on a loop and throw it in the laundry with the players stuff and it'll be in my cubby hole next day.</p>

<p>sweatshirts.....can be worn a ton before getting washed, usually go about 10 long wears before washing. they just don't hold the stink like t-shirts do, unless it's a football sweatshirt then i can just toss it in the practice laundry</p>

<p>^ agreed, it depends on the shirt.</p>

<p>t-shirts - Since I shower in the mornings after the gym, I'll wear a t-shirt after my shower and until the next day when I hit the gym again.</p>

<p>nice overshirts/sweaters - three of four times</p>

<p>dress shirts - until they get dirty/noticeably smelly, then I dry-clean</p>

<p>sweatshirts - same rule, but I don't care as much =P</p>

<p>Once. Try for twice if I can; I do my own laundry.</p>

<p>ew just once.</p>

<p>jeans even. i wear skinny jeans, so mine tend to get stretched out sort of after a day's use...</p>

<p>shirts - once</p>

<p>jeans - maybe two or three times max</p>

<p>Once unless I wore it for such a short period that it still smells clean.</p>

<p>Pants I'll wear multiple times through out the week.</p>

<p>how can you wear a shirt more than once without washing? it makes me feel so dirty!</p>

<p>AUlostchick is pretty much like me.</p>

<p>Wear a shirt, wear it to sleep then laundry.</p>

<p>Jeans, a more than a couple times</p>

<p>Dress shirts, once and then off to dry cleaning.</p>

<p>Sweatshirts: twice</p>

<p>Sweaters: twice</p>

<p>I think t shirts will get dirty after wearing it once but clothes like hoodies where you wear something underneath, it won't get dirty after a day unless you sweat like a crack addict without his fix.</p>

<p>If it's stuff I wore around during the day, then it's straight to the laundry hamper.
But say, I wear a white t shirt to sleep 2 nights in a row, and then I'll wear it to the gym. And after using it to work out I immediately throw it in with the laundry bash.</p>

<p>Jeans...I'll go as long as a week with just one pair of jeans lol....
But this is mostly me being strange. Since I change my pair of jeans each week, I feel time goes by faster as I follow this "schedule".</p>

<p>I wear my sweatshirts for probably 2 weeks before I wash them, but I rotate that I'll wear one then the next day I'll wear a sweater or a different sweatshirt.
I do the same thing with my jeans I'll wear one, the next day a different pair,etc until I've worn 3 or 4 pairs and then I'll go back to the first one. Usually it takes 2 weeks or so to get through all of them like 3 times, so that's about how often I do laundry. I have alot more shirts than pants/sweatshirts so I don't wear them as often mostly bc of that. If I pull out a shirt just to wear to sleep, I'll sleep in it like 4-5 nights before I put it in the laundry.</p>

<p>I've thought about wearing my pants more than once, but I just feel like I'm dirty if I've worn them to a restaurant. If I go to a friends house or work, I might wear them twice. With shirts, the only way I'll rewear them is if I had 3 on, then I'll rewear the middle one. I also sometimes rewear my white undershirts because I run out of them. It's not like I choose to wear it twice.</p>

<p>I think it's ok with pants, but it's a different story with shirts that you have worn all day.</p>

<p>How long do you wear your pajamas? I take my showers at night, so I'm clean when I put them on. I just don't know how many nights it is acceptable to wear them. Should I rotate pajamas so its not the same pair night after night?</p>

<p>until they noticeably smell, is my general guideline...</p>

<p>dude...shower in the morning... I sometimes do both, but I never forgo (sp?) morning showers</p>