How screwed am I?

Hey guys, I’m a little worried.

I registered for orientation this summer, but I chose a relatively late session. I think there are five total sessions, and I picked the fourth one. Does this mean that I am pretty much screwed in terms of selecting classes?

By the way, I am majoring in computer science and biology.

For CS, you should be preregistered for the classes you need - so you’d only have smaller pickings if you wanted to switch to a different professor.

I believe the same is true for Bio, but I’m not certain.

There should be a way to check your current schedule - look at My Schedule on myNEU and see what’s there.

Beyond that, you should have decent options - worse than the first session, sure, but the only thing likely to be affected is your elective choices. In your first semester, most people don’t have room for that anyways. As a double major, I suspect you probably won’t have that space anyways.

It all depends, but I wouldn’t worry too much - just check out classes now and which ones you’d want, and then check back a week before orientation to make sure they are still available.

Yep, you’ll also be pre-registered for intro bio courses. If you have AP credit, some of those may be irrelevant. I started with a lot of credit and went to one of the last orientation sessions, but I didn’t have trouble getting any of the classes that I wanted. You might end up with sub-ideal lab section times, but none are terrible and it’s only for a semester.

I believe Northeastern is somewhat unique in seeding or automatically registering students in required courses. It was the same in my day. That is why I found it odd when students at other schools complained that they were closed out of courses they need to graduate on time.

If you know you really want to be in a certain section of a course/want a specific professor, dig deep into a.) which courses you’re going to take in the fall b.) who else teaches them, and when if you have other classes assigned to yoy already and c.) which of those have openings. If you can find a section you want to be in that doesn’t interfere with your other classes and that has open seats, try e-mailing your advisor the CRN of that course and ask to be added before your orientation. Probably not something they want everyone to do, but it worked for me-- with a lot of digging, I snagged the last spot in an accounting class with an awesome professor. I ended up being the only freshman in the class (9:15 AM)- he taught another section at 8 AM of entirely freshman, which likely would’ve been me had I not made the request.

Personally I was also worried about this – I signed up for the last date with the international students and am majoring in biochemistry. Absolutely no problems scheduling – even took an upperclass history elective without trouble.

Of course, my experience may not carry over to yours, but (looking at the comments above) you don’t seem to have any reason to worry.

Sorry for the late reply, and thanks to anyone who responded so far. Just to clarify, I am not double majoring, I am pursuing a single degree in the combined computer science and biology major.

I also have a follow up question, I will only choose my first semester courses at orientation, not the second semester, correct?

Yep, only your first semester