How screwed am I?

<p>Hi. I go to a fairly competitive high school in CO. All of my life I've been pretty studious and have taken the hardest courseload available, but this last semester I guess I decided that I was too good for homework (apparently I'm not). I'm not looking for ivy league schools, but I'm still wanting to go to a top school. I'd just like any opinions on my chances after my predicted 2nd semester junior gpa. Thanks.</p>

<p>Public but competitive HS in CO; IB Diploma program
Rank: 50/535
GPA: uw 3.92 before 2nd semester (my school does not weight gpa)
ACT: 32
SAT: 2300 PSAT: 208</p>

<p>Freshman courses:
Orchestra A/A
PIB English A/A
Integrated 3 math A/A
PIB History A/A
PIB Biology A/A
Spanish 1b A/A
Explorations in Tech. A
Yearbook (Editor) A</p>

Orchestra A/A
PIB World History A/A
Pre-Calc B/A
PIB English A/A
Health A
PIB Drama A
PIB Chemistry A/B
Spanish 2 A</p>

<p>Junior (predicted worst-case 2nd semester grades):
Orchestra A/A
AP Calculus BC A/B
IB SL Psychology A/A
IB HL History of the Americas A/B
IB Student Council A/A
IB HL Biology A/B
IB World Authors A/A
Spanish 3 A/B </p>

<p>Senior Sched:
Chamber Orch
French 1
IB SL Math Studies
IB Theory of Knowledge
IB HL 20th Cent Politics
IB Student Council
IB HL Biology
IB HL World Authors
Spanish 4</p>

<p>ECs (and predicted ECs):
Science Olympiad participant: 9
Science Olympiad volunteer: 10,11,12
-Lessons 11yrs
-Pit Orchestra 10,11,12
-Honor Orchestra 9
Golf 10,11,12
Student Community Involvment Team 11,12
KRFC Radio Station volunteer/tech person 10,11,12
Discovery Science Center volunteer 10,11,12
CSU English conversation class volunteer 11
FBLA 11,12
Forensics 11,12
El Pomar 11,12
Part-time deli job 11,12</p>

Intel Science Fair Special Recog.
Intel Science Fair US Army Award
Honor Orchs
FBLA 3rd place public speaking regionals
Colorado College Summer Scholarship recipient (am taking a class this summer)
Music/Academic V Letters
A few random essay contests</p>

<p>Schools I'm Interested in:
Boston University
University of Washington (Seattle)
CU Boulder (major safety- guaranteed acceptance)
Cooper Union for architecture

<p>Thanks and sorry for the longish post</p>

<p>does Cooper Union accept kids who earn B's?</p>

<p>you could probly get into everything else you listed though</p>

<p>I'm not sure... I hear that Cooper Union mainly looks at your home test for "natural ability"</p>

<p>ok *** if you can't get into somewhere then no realistic person can get into anywhere that is the most pointless case of stressing i have ever seen. at that point you have done all you can to ensure that you are qualified for a spot at most if not all colleges and it comes down to the math that they only have so many spots, and more than that many qualified applicants. don't stress man</p>

<p>thanks. sorry, but being in IB i am surrounded by 4.0 kids taking classes at csu, in calculus in 9th grade, and rather "unrealistic" people who think getting one B is a sin. it's easy to lose your perspective</p>

<p>those are all safeties</p>

<p>in answer to your questions, you're not screwed at all. that's my biggest regret is that all my colleges were pretty much matches plus one safety and i got accepted or waitlisted everywhere. it made me think that maybe i should have aimed a little higher. you def should!</p>

<p>thanks for your input. i'm kind of surprised that getting maybe 4 B's my last semester of junior year won't have a huge impact on my chances though...</p>

<p>I mean, those B's certainly might hurt your chances... at the Ivies. But the schools you listed are all well within your range even with Bs. You've got little to worry about.</p>

<p>[url=<a href=""&gt;]Nash[/url&lt;/a&gt;]&lt;/p>

<p>wow im amazed your rank is so low with your GPA. Must be some crazy grade inflation at your school. A 3.92 UW would be ranked at least top 5% at my school.</p>

<p>uh, nashtynash and cats1127,
cooper union is about as hard as get into as the ivies... \
i wouldn't exactly call it a "safety"</p>

<p>cooper union accepts like 3.4-3.6 GPAs ED
in RD it considers where else you apply --- ex. my brother was accepted to cornell and columbia, waitlisted at MIT and rejected at cooper union</p>

<p><------ Rocky Mountain High School here. Fort Collins, CO Rocks! (You are in Poudre, right?)</p>

<p>I seriously doubt you'll have much problem. But IB Student Council? Huh? Student council is a class?</p>

<p>It sure is. It's a pointless class during lunch hour, but its a class</p>

<p>NYU (CAS) > match
Boston University > Safely/ Match
University of Washington (Seattle) >Safety</p>