School Sugestions?

<p>Hi, I'm a junior right now and I pretty much have no idea where to apply or what I can actually get into. I don't want to go into a math/science field even though I like the subjects. I would like an urban school with a good study abroad program, but that's about it. Any suggestions? Thanks!</p>

<p>Female, junior at a competitive public hs</p>

<p>GPA: 3.92 uw, full IB Diploma candidate
ACT: 32
SAT: Took them on the 6th... I don't think I bombed them
PSAT: 208</p>

<p>Courses: </p>

<p>Freshman (at a junior high, not a lot of course options):
Pre-AP English A
Pre-AP World History A
Pre-AP Biology A
Spanish 1b A
Integrated 3 math A
Explorations in Technology A
Web Design A
Yearbook: Writing Editor A</p>

Orchestra A
PIB History A
Pre-Calc B 1st sem, A 2nd
PIB English A
Health A
PIB Drama A
PIB Chemistry A, B 2nd sem
Spanish 2 A</p>

Orchestra A
AP Calc BC A
IB Psych A
IB History of Americas A
IB Student Council A
IB/AP Biology A
IB World Authors A
Spanish 3 A</p>

<p>Senior Courses:
IB SL Math Studies
IB Student Council
IB Contemp. Lit (HL)
IB World Politics (HL)
IB Biology (HL)
IB Theory of Knowledge
Spanish 4
Chamber Orchestra
French 1</p>

KRFC Radio volunteer (hopefully I'll get my own show) 10, 11, 12
Discovery Science Center volunteer 11, 12
Student Community Involvement Team 11, 12
FBLA 11, 12
Forensics 11, 12
Science Olympiad participant 9, volunteer 10, 11, 12
Violin (private lessons) 11yrs, teaching 1 yr
El Pomar 10, 11, 12
Golf Team 10, 11, 12
Field Hockey 12
Senior Class Council
Part-time job at a deli 1yr</p>

Intel Science Fair Special Recog. and US Army Award
FBLA 3rd place Public Speaking
Numerous Regional/State Science Olympiad medals, National participant
Colorado College Scholarship to take a creative writing class this summer
Honor Orchestras
Academic and music letters/awards
A couple essay contests</p>

<p>Thank you guys!</p>

<p>Kendall12, assuming you are a California resident:</p>

UCD/ICI/UCSB: Safety</p>

<p>I'm not a CA resident, I'm a CO resident...</p>


<p>UCB/UCLA: Slight Reach (out of state)
UCSD: Match (out of state)
UCI/UCSB/UCD: Safe Match (out of state)
UCSC/UCR/UCM: Safety (out of state)</p>

<p>thanks for the replies! anything besides the uc's though?</p>

<p>my first thought was barnard</p>

<p>Perhaps Boston U: safe match, Tufts: slight reach, NYU: match/ safe match</p>

<p>***? Why woul he be a slight reach for UCLA and Berkeley?</p>

<p>I think you definitely got into all the UCs, unless I misread your stats...</p>