<p>Ok, so i took the SAT in October and got around the low 1900s. I took the PSAT as well during this month. The PSAT is the only preparation I did for SATs after the October test. Is this enough to help me beat my October score in November? What ways can i study during this next week to get into the 1950 area on Saturday? I really want to improve. Thanks!</p>
<p>This may be hypocrisy (because i’m taking both dec and jan) but why’re you taking back to back SATs if you want to make marked improvements. Or are you an 09-er?</p>
<p>Well my SAT prep course recommended me to take back to back in case i forget the material. Thats why I planned on doing OCT SAT, PSAT, and NOV SAT.</p>
<p>Honestly, you’ll probably improve without any additional prep. I went from an 1890 to a 1950 to a 1970 with no prep in between (superscore 2020). Not a great increase but it’s an increase nonetheless. I would just take some practice tests if I were you, there’s a decent shot you’ll break 1950 with just an extra practice test or two. The CollegeBoard Blue Book is a great investment, 25 bucks and it’s got 10 practice tests for you.</p>
<p>Yea, thanks for the reply. I’m planning on doing a pratice test tonight from the blue book. On the friday before the test, I have no school so I will probably study then too. But are ur scores back to back testings?</p>
<p>i went from a 1870 to a 2040 and I just studied two weeks. its not that hard.</p>
<p>but then i studied all summer, and got a 2270. :)</p>
<p>@BigWeight: perhaps you can share with us what you did that summer?</p>
<p>I do not have 2 weeks. I only have one week :(. I have to spend most of this week doing homework as well.</p>
<p>i have only one week left. >.< so worry about my score. It is not stable.</p>