<p>Our son wouldn't let us even consider a back-up plan, my guess is that he was afraid that it would jinx things. FYI, some schools will keep your acceptance on file for up to two years if you don't end up going there. Just be careful and don't burn your bridges when you turn down the school. We had our son write letters to the Admission's Office explaining why he was not coming to their school ( as well as the NROTC Officer in Charge), that going to USNA was a lifelong dream etc and he got very, very nice letters in return.</p>
<p>Hey RJ2011! Welcome to the board! I'm in Georgia too and wondering whose district you're in? I'm in Charlie Norwood's district and still waiting on Board review for application and hopefully appointment. :)</p>
<p>FewAndProud. In SW Georgia Sanford Bishops district. Son received four nominations and currently has two appointments. Proud dad! He stated yesterday he talked with a '04 grad who gave him a negative talk. However, his wrestling coach is a '79 grad and just lites up his ears with stories. He is going to CVW next week and to the Point two weeks after that.</p>
<p>Hey FewandProud.. what area does Charlie Norwood's distict cover? My daughter is in Atlanta, Cynthia McKinney/now Hank Johnson district. Good Luck to you! GO GEORGIA 2011!</p>
<p>RJ2011 We are also GA metro area.
The negative talks are a good thing. They really do need to hear both sides in order to really make a good decision. It isn't all rosey and painting only a rosey picture is really misleading. As were advised our Plebe, be leary of those looking through rose colored glasses, memory does not always serve us well. </p>
<p>Tell him to have fun at CVW.</p>
<p>RJ2011 - we are from Georgia too - right near profmom2...Congrats to your son....we are still in hopeful waiting mode - who awarded your son his 4 noms?</p>
<p>MOM2LOLA2011. . .</p>
<p>Congressman Norwood's district covers (or did cover) a lot of NE Georgia in an upside-down 'y' shape with the tail of the y pointing west. Looks like about 25 counties east of ATL, including a few in metro ATL. I think for the new Congress it's been redistricted, and now part is in John Linder's district.</p>
<p>Does anyone know if the full Admissions Board considers a candidate's record to determine if the candidate is scholastically qualified? Or is this done by some Admissions staffers? If the full Board considers the record to determine scholastic qualification, and if the candiate is not so superior so as to get an LOA as a result of the scholastic review, does the record then go back to the Board again after all other requirements are met (Nomination, medical, etc.) for further consideration? </p>
<p>We've been told our D's record "was reviewed by the Admissions Board and they determined she is eligible to compete for an appointment, but a final status has not yet been made." Just trying to understand the process that got her to that point and the timing/factors associated with when the Board will consider the record further. For example, does the Board wait until the full pool of those "eligible to compete" (non LOAs) for Appointments has been determined?</p>
<p>There is a very clear explanation of how one becomes scholastically qualified via tht Admissions Board on the other site. Check it out. Short answer ... yes.</p>
<p>Your D is now triple Qed ... that's the precise terminology used, i.e. "eligible to compete."</p>
<p>Thanks, which other site would that be?</p>
<p>Here's the link. This is an excellent summary.</p>
<p>Thanks. Great!</p>