How soon will USNA let me know?

<p>Hey guys:</p>

<p>I am sorry if I am asking a question that has already been asked. Does anybody know how soon the Academy will let me know if they accept me or deny me? I obtained my nomination from my local congresswoman at the beginning of January and I am biting at my nails waiting for some form of response. I had the rest of my application in as of October 18, 2006, but my congresswoman's office didn't interview me until January 11. Are they, the admissions review board, going to look at my file earlier than those without a nomination?</p>


<p>All nominations have to be in by tomorrow - then the decisions start to flow more quickly....but the window period for answers is wide - anytime between now and technically April 15th you could hear about your status.</p>

Are they, the admissions review board, going to look at my file earlier than those without a nomination?


<p>After today, with a few exceptions, any candidate without a nomination will be off the table for the Class of 2011.</p>

<p>Have you checked to see if your nomination shows up on your Candidate status page? Seems there's a significant lag time from when it is received, & that could slow up the process. If it hasn't been received yet, then unfortunately the wait could be longer. As the others pointed out, all noms have to be be in tomorrow. Does take awhile for the noms to show up for whatever reason. For ex. our sons nom didn't show up until Jan. 16th, but had been received the 8th. He did receive an appointment last Mon. However, he was the principal nominee & was already tripled Q'ed, so that probably pushed him along.</p>

<p>Hang in there, good things come to those who wait. :)</p>

<p>Yes, my nomination was received by the Academy on January 16. They, meaning the staffers in my congressional district, did not tell me if I was the principal nominee or not. They just said you got the nomination. I was one less than 10 applying for the nomination and I received a nomination to Annapolis, West Point, and Air Force. So it is a safe bet to think I may have been a principal nominee, but I do not know for certain. I really hope I get my appointment to Annapolis because it has been my dream since before 9th grade. I have my fingers crossed.</p>

<p>Thank you for your responses and your support. It means a lot.</p>

<p>Don't worry if you go right down to the wire! My son got his appointment on April 15th, the very last day. Good luck to you marine88</p>

<p>What did you do in the meantime? I.e. were other college back-up plans in place? Deposits made (and lost)? Loans arranged?</p>

<p>Congrats on the appointment, but ouch, that must have been a shock to get it so late...</p>


<p>My son received two nominations; a presidential and congressional. They only reason we found out he had gotten the congressional was by checking his page.</p>

<p>He got in on the presidential and found out mid January, although all of his stuff was completed very promptyly.</p>

<p>Now waiting for Air Force, although, it really is a mute point since the boy signed his stuff for Navy and mailed it already.</p>

<p>The waiting was the hardest part. One of the parents on here gave good advice about not sitting around here waiting. The day we didn't look at the mail was the day it came.</p>

<p>Fingers crossed for MARINE88! GOOD LUCK!</p>

<p>Second MOM2LOLA2011 motion!</p>

<p>Just wanted to say that I am now a proud dad. Last week, my son received appointments to Annapolis and Westpoint. He was ecstatic when he received them. He is going to CVW in February and later to Westpoint. While he is set to go to Annapolis, I did tell him that he needs to go to the Point as the next nine years of his life centers on this one decision. Anyways, I am proud he made it this far and it is good to know he has the letter.</p>

<p>HOORAH for RJ2011's son!! CONGRATS!</p>

<p>!!CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU & YOUR SON RJ2011!! You deserve to be beaming from ear to ear. :D A huge accomplishment for your son, Yippee!</p>

<p>It is definitely a smart idea to viist the different academies. A life-molding decision for sure. We advised our son the same. He has 3 appointments & has visited WP, & will visit AFA, just to be absolutely sure. He's been to Navy on several occasions, but will go to CVW in April to be completely peaceful with the decision. Big decisions for these kids.</p>

<p>Hey Celtic Clan.. Is your son leaning toward USNA? Where are you guys from?</p>

Yes, strong lean towards NA, has sent in the initial paperwork already. Sunny CA.</p>

<p>Hey Celtic Clan! Add your name to our list of parents of 2011! You guys from California are seriously representin' :)! But where are the girls?</p>

<p>D. we were all ready to write the check to UVA. He'd gotten in to UVA, Penn State Engineering and Virginia Tech Engineering but we figured we had until May 1st to make a decision and just put it off as long as possible.</p>

<p>Did you have any Federal loans' pulled or ready to go?</p>

<p>We talked to the "back up plan" school, paid the deposit to hold the place and they agreed to a later notification date - they also felt in their eyes that son was not double depositing as USNA's fee was not a deposit to hold a spot - they were the ones who actually said that not us. The bottom line is be honest. If the other institution does not want to work with you so be it. We were prepared to move to the next school down the line, luckily we didn't need to. Should something have happened between May 1st and IDay we wanted to make sure that he had a place to go to college. (Soph year in high school he broke his foot running the mile at regions in the middle of May - there would not have been an IDay had that happened his Senior year!)</p>

<p>We talked to the back up plan school, paid the deposit to hold the place and they agreed to a later notification date - they also felt in their eyes that son was not double depositing as USNA's fee was not a deposit to hold a spot. The bottom line is be honest. If the other institution does not want to work with you so be it. We were prepared to move to the next school down the line, luckily we didn't need to.</p>

<p>We just did not close on any of the financial aid/loan packages. Even his backup held the aid package open - it had loans involved - until they were notified that he would not be attending. It's a lot of paperwork, but needed to make sure everything is in place if USNA does not work out.</p>

<p>Congrats and way to go! Double congrats!!</p>