How do I appeal a decision?

I am kind of confused here. I was denied into the Computer Science program and the reasoning was for academic expectations lol. Here are my stats:
4.4 GPA
2300 SAT
5 AP’s (Scored 5’s on 3 and 4’s on 2)

I am pretty sure I am academically qualified for Purdue. Maybe not Harvard but definitely Purdue. This has to be a mistake. How do I appeal a decision? I can’t find anything on their website about it. Can I even appeal a decision?


There is a reconsideration form you can fill out and has an essay that goes with it, check the box reconsideration and follow the directions.Here is the link:

I would also suggest calling admissions and seeing where your application was weak before you submit this reconsideration because you should try to improve upon those areas as they will ask within the essay portion what have you done to improve since their last review.

They want me to “Please explain any extenuating circumstances - either academic or personal - that you did not address on your application admission.” What do they mean by ‘extenuating circumstances?’

Meaning is you were in hospital for 6 months and that is why your GPA is lower, or bc you had to work 30 hours a week, or your _______ died or something like that. They will not reconsider the same information unless there is something more you need to tell them about it. If you just think you should have been admitted, they will deny again.

What scale is your GPA on, and is it unweighted? Is it possible that your recs are lukewarm?

@intparent That is a weighted scale. Unfortunately, I will never know what my teacher wrote for my rec.

@HRSMom Can I list my 1st semester Senior year grades as new information? My Senior year is my hardest year (the most AP’s) and I got straight A’s.

No, don’t use senior year because they didn’t use that information to review your application.

Each college has their own method to “weigh” GPA. That may have had something to do with it. We don’t know why you weren’t admitted, and neither do you. Your SAT is fine, so it must be something else, so you need to ASK like @flying8764 has suggested. You can’t assume that they had to admit you based on your stats. No one knows except the adcoms.

They want to know what @HRSMom has stated. Were you or a family member ill for a lengthy amount of time that impacted your essays? It has to be new, compelling information.

BTW the CS major is impacted at most tech universities, that may have something to do with it as well.

My son was admitted on a reconsideration. What they were looking for was anything significant that had changed from when you previously applied. His ACT scores were lower than his last ones and he mentioned that and had them forwarded as they said it was an issue and also they stated he needed to take an AP Chem class even tho he had taken 6 other AP courses such as Cal, Physics etc. He mentioned that he filled out his application before the start of senior year and had changed some courses and added AP. He also mentioned the leadership and activities he had been doing while he received his current and standing 4.0. He had his guidance counselor send in his new senior schedule to reflect these changes. By knowing what his weaknesses were by calling the admissions office to see their take on his application he was able to have a stronger application and provided documentation and was awarded FYE. Dont give up! Keep fighting and call!