How to choose Math I or Math II?

<p>Well the title is self explanationary. I am undecisive about choosing which SAT math level to take so I'm hoping for a little advice. I took geometry, algebra 2, and trig. already. I will be taking AP cal. at the beginning of this school year. I would have to admit though that my algebra 2 and trig. aren't that sharp because we basically didn't do much in those two classes. I have 3 months to study for whichever test I'm going to take. So which should I choose? Math I which may be easy or Math II whose curve is more generous? And what is the best prep book to get for either one by the way?</p>

<p>Take a practice test on both (don't use the Barron's book). I get tricked alot so the math2 was a much better test for me. Just find which test better suits you. I say if you get a raw score 35 or above on your practice math 2, study and take the math 2.</p>