<p>I recently found out that there are rumors going around about me that are completely untrue and also hurtful. About how I sleep around and constantly get wasted when I'm at school. I have a pretty good idea about who started it and her motivation, as she did the same thing to another friend. </p>
<p>My friends have told me to just ignore it and that I should take it as a compliment that people find me interesting enough or popular enough or are jealous enough of me to talk about me. But I'm the type of person who would rather fade into obscurity.</p>
<p>So how should I deal with rumors? Track down where it was started? Just ignore it? </p>
<p>Something like this could really hurt my reputation, and now its making me paranoid about who my real friends are.</p>
<p>Is it at college? If so, then thats pathetic on their part. Just ignore it. People will see through their immaturity when they actually get to know you</p>
<p>Just ignore it. People love to start rumors about me too at school but I’m confident that the people who know me personally know that they aren’t true.</p>
<p>My roommate at school this past year got angry that I had to spend one of the many weekends that her boyfriend came over in our room, rather than leaving like I had originally planned (my plans got canceled). So instead, when I left the weekend after, she spread nasty, horrible rumors about me. But I really did “just ignore” them.</p>
<p>Then, a month later? No one remembered nor cared. And she ended up friendless down the road because in college, people get tired of those sorts of antics very quickly.</p>
<p>Oh, karma.</p>
<p>I can put names to faces of about 70, can probably recognize (as in “yeah, that guy was in my ___ class”) the faces (not names) of maybe a hundred more. How the hell are rumors getting started? If someone told me something like “____ sleeps around and constantly gets wasted,” chances are I’d have no idea who that person was. If somehow I did know them, I’d ignore it. If it was a close friend I’d tell them they were wrong (if they were wrong… but none of my friends “sleep around” and get wasted).</p>
<p>Yeah. Just ignore them. It’s not worth getting yourself annoyed or bothered by them. People who spread rumors are usually pathetic and others eventually ignore them.</p>
<p>You can ignore it…and it will go away.</p>
<p>or </p>
<p>Start spreading rumors about her which will lead to a many month psychological war. Someone sleeps with the other’s boyfriend and then later a cat fight. </p>
<p>Those are always fun to watch. </p>
<p>It depends how much time you have on your hands.</p>
<p>^that 2nd suggestion is probably not a good idea lol</p>
<p>punch her in the face.</p>
<p>… advise from a guy</p>
<p>If she drinks water from a water bottle replace her water with HCl (you should be able to find giant bottles of it in any chemistry lab). </p>
<p>She won’t spread rumors anymore.</p>
<p>I really like where this thread is going.</p>
<p>I wish I knew more about chemistry to come up with ways you can corrupt everyday accessories into dangerous compounds.</p>
<p>Ignore it. If you start a rumor about the girl then she will likely start more rumors about you or some severe negative response. These rumors were only started because you were on their mind so no worries. If you don’t give a reaction then the rumor will die faster. Just be relaxed.</p>
<p>@Magneto, They’re rumors about what happened in college. But my country (bahamas) makes up the largest majority of international students at that school, and the girl is bahamian so the rumors are spreading at home.</p>
<p>I’m doing my best to ignore it right now. But its so tempting to go off and be loud and confront her about it, because it just makes me so mad!
And the thing is, because before college I was labelled as the “good girl who would go bad” so everyone is just so quick to believe it. And I had a close family friend tell me I need to slow down because I’m getting a reputation! For something I didn’t even do!</p>
<p>Ugh! just a little venting there. I’m just gonna continue to ignore it for now and hope it goes away. But I’ll continue to imagine a little chemical mayhem for now to make me feel better lol.</p>
<p>I heard visine isn’t something you want in your drink…</p>
<p>The point in spreading rumors is stirring up drama. If you do not react, there is no drama. This makes the rumor uninteresting and it will die out on its own.</p>
<p>I would be really hurt too, but it is best to just ignore this. If this was a friend that started this, I would be ending that friendship.</p>
<p>“I wish I knew more about chemistry to come up with ways you can corrupt everyday accessories into dangerous compounds.”</p>
<p>Rule of thumb… Drinking acids is a bad idea.</p>
<p>Mix bleach and aceton 1:50… or google “How to make chloroform”
<p>(Don’t use it. Seriously. Casey Anthony murder process.)</p>
<p>it’s actually really sad that she’s that old and is still acting like a preteen. does she have low self-esteem?</p>