How to enter dual enrollment classes on application?


I have a question about how do I enter my dual enrollment classes on the UC application? My high school offered us AP classes that also received college credit through an online university. Strange as it sounds, my AP Calculus BC class is also called Calculus II at the online university, and the two course names are listed together on my high school transcripts with my final semester grades attached.

So, on the UC App, am I correct in believing I can’t enter “AP Calculus BC” under my 12th grade high school courses for Fall of 22, AND again list the same class under the second title of “Calculus II” under the online university courses taken for Fall of 2022? Wouldn’t that be wrong because it would look like I deserve credit for 2 separate classes, when really it’s just one class that I took which was getting me dual credit?

Sorry if this makes no sense, but I want to list my AP class titles on the UC application the most if I can only choose AP or the online college title. I really don’t even care about the online university’s course title being attached to my classes, but I want the AP classes listed on the app. Can I just not enter the online college classes since I’m entering the AP title for the same class? Or, should I list both titles for the class in both the high school and college sections? I have this same situation with a ton of my classes because my private high school has an agreement with the online university where our teachers are credentialed with the university and can consider themselves to be college teachers with us using the online university name.

Thanks so much for any advice you have.

Dual enrollment says that “Students must report dual enrollment college courses under the appropriate college name on the UC application for undergraduate admission. Dual enrollment courses cannot be reported on the application as high school coursework.”

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So, I have to enter the dual enrollment class under the college section- I don’t have the choice to list it under high school OR college, or both, I’m guessing? I won’t be allowed to enter it as an AP course on the high school course side (which is my preference if I’m only allowed to enter the course once)?

Yes, UC says that dual enrollment courses are college courses to be entered only in the college section.

Note that UC considers transferable college courses to be “honors” for the purpose of GPA recalculation, just like high school AP courses.

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Thank you!

You only list the college course as stated above. They want to see calculus 2 under the college, not AP calc under the high school. You can list the AP test to show you’ve taken it or will take it. My son has completed his associates degree during high school. His application looks very weird because his high school section is very sparse. That’s how UC and CSU requires it to be listed. Common app is the opposite.

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Did your son take any AP tests for his dual-enrollment courses? My kid’s school has been dropping AP classes and thus is also pursuing a potential associates degree.

Yes, my son is taking the corresponding AP tests. He’ll have 6 AP tests by the time he graduates. The APs won’t count for credit because he’s already getting the dual credit, but I think it helps demonstrate proficiency.

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Thanks. My kid will be in that range of AP tests taken as well, potentially. I’ve read that AP tests demonstrate a standardized proficiency that can’t be as easily measured given the difference in coursework at different community colleges.

The OP should consider taking the corresponding AP tests for her dual-enrolment courses, if applying beyond the UCs.

The OP should consider taking the corresponding AP tests for her dual-enrolment courses, if applying beyond the UCs.

This is true since there is no guarantee that all CC/DE classes will be accepted at OOS universities.

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If I accidentally put my dual enrollment course in both my high school coursework and my college coursework, are my chances of getting into a CSU ruined? I am pretty stressed and I already emailed the colleges and let them know. I put the classes in my high school coursework because it is on my high school transcript as well and before we joined the college course of the semester, grades from the high school affected the grade that is shown on my transcript.

Since you submitted the application and emailed the campuses, that is all you can do. They will notice the duplicate entry so everything should be fine. Just keep all emails received from the campuses in case there are any issues later.