How To Fill The Aid Form

<p>Does anyone know how to fill the International Student Aid Form thingo or have a pdf file on it or a link online or anything? THere's just a few things like the college list which are weird. What if we apply to more than 6 colleges? etc and other questions like that</p>

<p>You can get pdf from here-
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>I don't think vesalvay wanted the link for the form. wanted help in filling up the form instead I guess. As far as I know you can fill up the names of any number of schools. Just let the college u're applying get an idea of the range of scholarship amt u're asking from these schools.</p>

<p>well...i found the part about 6 colleges in ISFAA a bit weird too. for brown i just listed 6 other ivies and high profile colleges. lol. but grinnell asks u to list all ur colleges in one of their forms and also to submit ISFAA. so theres a prob! 6 colleges in 1 form and 15 in another?</p>

<p>I don't think that namelist of colleges even matters. They just wanted to know that's it. Most of U.S. students apply to 4 colleges or maximun 5, 6 so that's why there is space for 6 colleges. So, you can just write any 6 colleges that you are applying to but don't forget to mention the college you are applying to specifically as well . That's what I did. Hope it helps!</p>