How to get into purdue?

I recently visited Purdue and liked the atmosphere; however, I did not think that I have the stats to do it do you think I can get in?
SAT: 740 math 640 English (retake)
The problem is my gpa which is a 3.61 unweighed and a 3.7 weighed. I have also taken 5 aps and plan on doing 2 next year.
I also have lots of extracurriculars and i’m a minority (will this help?)

What year are you now in high school? Will you be an in-state or OOS applicant? What would be your intended major and/or to what college would you be applying? Also, being a minority may or may not help; the real issue is whether you are an underrepresented minority (“URM” in admissions parlance).

Here is a link to the Purdue Data Digest, here,, under the link for “Applications, Admits, and Matriculations”. It is interactive, so you can input the parameters that most apply to you. Based on your input, the Data Digest will generate information and create some graphs/charts from which you may be able to make an estimate of your chances. Also, there should be a table at the bottom which gives the admission rates (and yield) for students matriculating in the Fall semesters of the past 10 years.

You can also look at Purdue’s Common Data Set, here, Part C7 tells you what admissions factors Purdue considers to be “very important,” “important,” “considered,” and “not considered”; Part C9 of the CDS gives the median 50% for both SAT and ACT scores, as well as the percentage of the entering first-year class falling within certain ranges of SAT and ACT scores.

I don’t know whether your high school has Naviance or any similar program that gives information about how students at your high school have done in applying to colleges and universities; if so, you might peruse that data for applicants to Purdue from your school. I would also try to meet with a guidance counselor at your high school early in the Fall semester of your senior year (or if you are a junior now, perhaps you can squeeze in a meeting before the end of this academic year), in order to discuss application strategies for Purdue. If any former students from your school have been admitted to Purdue recently, the guidance counselor may be able to give some insight into how and why such student(s) were successful.

What will your major be??

I want to study industrial engineering and i’m from Hawaii and currently a junior

The average SAT of this year’s accepted engineering students (FYE) was 1435. The average GPA was 3.8 unweighted. I believe it goes up every year. Keep in mind, those are the accepted, not enrolled stats. I would suspect enrolled would have slightly lower stats (many of those kids in the 1500-1600 range will go to Ivy’s and such).

You may want to retake the SAT. If you can get closer to (or above ) the average SAT it may help your lower than average GPA. Also, write a strong essay!

Good luck!

What other schools are you looking at for industrial engineering?

im looking at big 10 schools and u wisconsin, penn state, virginia tech

Another Big 10 school you can consider

And you always have chance for Purdue

Have you considered North Carolina State University?
Friend’s S just finished freshman year in industrial engineering and loves it.

Late to this discussion - DS just finished his first year at NCSU (dual major Industrial Eng & STS) - Loves it! Seems like it runs under the radar but we’ve had a great experience as OOS there. It’s small enough to get around easily but big enough to offer all kinds of options.

That’s great! Do you think you could give me some of her stats so I can compare?

Your GPA may be a problem for engineering but really don’t know the full story just going by stats. Admission is not always that straight forward.
Please don’t be discouraged by what people post on CC such as post #4 with the scare tactic that it is getting more competitive every year. I have never seen a college become significantly more selective over one year. Also don’t go by admitted students but the enrolled students sats to give yourself a more accurate picture.

I would think coming from Hawaii ought to help you. Doing well in the AP classes and on the AP tests will help, along with great extracurriculars.

Purdue requires three years of social studies, by the way. Thought I would mention it. My DD wants to study CS, and if she wants to keep Purdue on her list, she is going to have to revamp her plan, which currently only has two years of SS. Many selective schools recommend more, but only require two. Purdue is one of the few that requires three.