<p>Hi, I just finished 9th grade and I'm about to become a sophomore! My dream has always been to get into Stanford, now this year I had a lot of family issues and what not and my focus for school kind of disappeared but I'm ready to start fresh next year and give it all I have. My average GPA before these family problems was about a 3.9-4.1 and this year it was at about 3.5 :( My question is is it too late to turn everything around and give it my best at everything? I've always had a big huge passion for theatre and so participate in most of my school plays, I was Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz and really give it my everything. I take dance at school instead of PE for PE credits twice a week for an hour and a half and I'm planning on joining the Volleyball team! I also have a real passion for helping others, it's one of the most important things for me, ever. In fact I was the organizer of Kony Cover the Night in my city (Milan,Italy) I was the ONLY organizer in my whole city and I had about 5,000 people attending in no time. This year I am planning on doing Community Service about once or twice a week depending on my time at a children's hospital (or somewhere else). This winter break I was also planning on going on a community service trip in Dominican Republic to help children build schools there, and I was also planning to do the same thing this summer. It really is my DREAM to get into Stanford and I will do whatever is possible, anything and everything. So I guess my question is what are my chances if I keep up my plan? And do you have any other advice? Such as what could I do as more extra curricular activities? What have you guys done to get into Stanford? I also come from Italy but attend The American School and my mom is from California. Please tell me what more I could do, I will give it my everything and try my best in everything.</p>
<p>It’s definitely not too late to turn things around. Stanford doesn’t count freshman (9th grade) year since they consider it more of a transition year. I guess the only effect it might have is your class rank/percentile, but otherwise, there is plenty of time and opportunities to improve. All I can advise you to do is keep doing what you love and make sure that you are passionate about all of your ECs</p>
<p>NEVER give up your E.C.
take a good amount of higher level courses you are INTERESTED in
and just HOPE to get that acceptance letter!