How to get into UW-Madison as a Transfer Student Fall 2017?

Hello! I am currently a Freshman at another 4 year college majoring in Psychology and I would like to know some tips on what I would need in order to have a high chance at transferring to UW-Madison as a Sophomore. I know that according to their Transfer Admission site, you need to have at least 24 transferable credits. But I also hear that you need a relatively high GPA in order to be considered. My stats as of Fall 2016 is a GPA is 3.7 with 17 credits, and in the Spring 2017 Semester, another 15 Credits will be completed. With a total of 32 transferable credits, I already pass the 24 credit mark. But other than the credits, what else do they look for? The site was not very specific, but I’m worried because I barely have any extracurriculars. So I guess my main question is, do they look at college extracurriculars and high GPAs too?