How to have incentives....

<p>Not even close to being Indian! though i am a fan of the culture which is why i chose the name</p>

<p>I'm 5'10 and I've been with women who were 5'2'', 5'6'' and 6'. If your average height, your taller than most women and no factor is as important in attracting women as your personality.</p>

<p>"No factor is important as attracting women than your personality..."</p>

<p>In theory. Works.</p>

<p>In practice. Not so much.</p>

<p>Actually, I'd have to disagree. It IS the most important factor, but that doesn't mean that you can get any girl that you want with a good personality. </p>

<p>A lot of girls want both personality AND looks AND other things, even if they might stress personality a little more. The thing is that girls will compromise a lot on looks if they find a guy with a good personality. They'll also often compromise on personality for a good looking guy, though. I still think that overall, personality is slightly more important.</p>

<p>but if they are short then there's no compromise, its a big NO</p>

<p>Pretty much every factor, when bad enough, will be a deal breaker. Being that short is equivalent to being socially retarded, for example.</p>

<p>Take a guy with no teeth and not very many chicks will date him. But that doesn't make teeth more important than personality.</p>

<p>i was just kidding, but yeah you are right</p>

<p>i think the looks are just a good starting point. looks will get me to actually be open to talking to you and investing in you. but after that first meeting personaly becomes WAY more important. not gonna take a hot guy whos terrible. normally i give a chance to everyone whos not horrid looking. sorry, i cna be shallow but who isnt?</p>

<p>Stop telling these short guys to go after the short girls 4'11-5'2...those are all mine...</p>

<p>Too short for me.. unless they are really hot, then i dont care :D</p>

<p>Who cares about hotness...short girls are so cute. And they seem to be more cuddly than taller girls.</p>

<p>5'4-5'6 is good for me</p>

<p>yea, if your worried about finding a partner....then find a woman who is short! not only will you both have depleted confidence, but you'll have something in common.</p>

<p>confidence and shear hard work can go a hell of long way, also.</p>

<p>^I'm moving. Like I said, who cares. I will never find acceptance or happiness in North America. </p>

<p>Every employer I've had, has derided me for my lack of height. I've shrugged it off my whole life, but eventually it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. Every one's expectation is for me to fail.</p>

<p>Employers have derided you for being 5'8"?</p>

<p>I dont believe it. I am only 5'9" and have never experienced that. I am not a model by any means, but I have no problem with women. I think you are either making this all up (for some random reason) or have a very jaded view of the world. Perhaps it is your own attitude that is causing problems? Napoleon complex perhaps? Either way, step out of this little box you have built for yourself and take a look at the real world. Leaving North America? Wow</p>

<p>wutang, a wuss like you isn't going to make it whether you are in America or a European country if you keep thinking the same way you do.</p>

<p>Wutang, you seem like a guy that knows the in-and-outs of the dating/hookup game. How much do chicks care about ethnicity? I'm almost 6ft 2.5 inches ad 195 pounds with a good physique and reasonably good looks(8.5/10 according to ratings on Also, having lived in Australia for 6 years, I've got a pretty broad aussie accent that women tell me sounds sexy. The only problem is that I'm Indian, and I'm not sure how successful I'd be at university next year with a female population that's predominantly white. What are your thoughts?</p>

<p>As for the looks vs. personality thing, I agree that personality is important and you won't get anyone if you're a prick, but there's also a minimum looks threshold you have to get past. Chicks won't get with someone just because he has a great personality, except maybe as a friend.</p>

<p>As an Indian guy, why do you wanna go for the white chicks? Indian girls are pretty good looking too.</p>

<p>you are asking wutang? the guy who's been moaning on here for the last two weeks about how he can't get any girls because he's too short?</p>