How to improve this score?

<p>Guys, I'm currently getting ready to take SAT in May. My current score is like this:

<p>I really want to take CR and Writing score to 760+
i didn't do a lot of study . Can i go there? If i want to take my score to that level, how much will I've to study or practice daily? Please help.</p>

<p>Use this [SAT</a> Writing Questions - SAT Writing Questions.pdf - Minus](<a href=“]SAT”>
It’s a list of a bunch of official College Board SAT questions of the day. All the answers are in the pdf. Don’t be scared by the Chinese, all you need for studying is in English :slight_smile:
If you need to improve on vocab questions (you may or may not, since your score is already pretty high), you may want to pick up Direct hits volumes 1 and 2. The books have a total of around 400 ESSENTIAL words.
For reading comprehension, instead of reading long novels like Great Expectations, pick up a copy of the Wall Street Journal or New York Times and read an article before going to bed. Doesn’t have to be boring, just pick an article that you are interested in. While reading, constantly question the author: Why did he put this useless information in this paragraph? It must not be useless, why did he mean by this sentence!? Basically talk to yourself</p>

<p>Thanks a lot . Hope this is going to help me. How much should i practice?</p>

<p>What I usually did was focus on a certain subject area (CR, M, Wmc, or essay) for one day or two. I would only concentrate on THAT area of the test for the time period. You’ve got a ton of time, so for now, just take a practice test a month (you don’t want to run out of practice tests, so it is imperative to space them out). When you get closer to the test, go for once a week, and then twice a week. I suspect that you are a junior in HS so hopefully May will the last time you have to deal with subject tests.
You may want to consider moving the test date to March. Your scores are already very good. Consider which AP exams and subject tests you will be taking in the months of May and June. But if May works better for your studying schedule, by all means go for it</p>