<p>I have a 20 on my ACT and I want a 25 at least. I'm in a prep class and I don't think its working. How should i prepare for Saturday?</p>
<p>The best method I believe for studying for the act/sat is persistent self-study. Tutors, classes, and friends can give you tips on how to do certain problems and improve your speed with regards to timing, but what it comes down to is how hard you personally on your own time spend with an act/sat book. I highly recommend almost any prep book (I use the McGraw-Hills 10 Act Practice Tests and the Princeton Review for both the sat and the act). Just find someplace where you can deeply engage yourself with a book or whatever source of study material you uncover and spend time with it. The more time you spend, the better your chances are on the actual exam. Another good way to prep for speed is to take other exams such as AP euro where the test has you do 80 questions in 50 minutes (something where you would be forced to crunch the time). Best of luck, Iām taking my first act in 5 days.</p>
<p>Try this study guide, I read it all and it changed my score tremendously!</p>
<p><a href=āhttp://www.lfpl.org/pdf/actteststudyguide.pdf[/url]ā>http://www.lfpl.org/pdf/actteststudyguide.pdf</a></p>