<p>At our local public schools, my kids do not use the very expensive Special Education teachers - so why not reduce my share of the school tax to reflect that? Also the buses - I drive my kids to school, or they drive themselves - why should I have to pay for buses? Man, if I had line-item veto, I can think of about a hundred things I could refuse to pay for at my school. In fact, why pay for school at all once my kids graduate?</p>
<p>And hey - what about my 5-figure federal taxes? I never use Medicaid, Disaster Relief, the national free kidney dialysis program or about one million other things - why should I pay for them?</p>
<p>And I am not just talking about necessities like education and medical things. What about rich people in gated communities with their own coutry clubs -why should they have to pay for national parks that they don't use? Why give any many to the National Endowment for the Arts? Why should my tax dollars go for landscaping the school - only those people who want to look at pretty trees should pay.</p>
<p>I want my taxes reduced - I own a swimming pool and tennis court, and never use the municipal ones, so why should I have to pay for them? Let the poor people pay for them! And the playground parks too!</p>
<p>Why not just privatize EVERYTHING and have a Blade-Runner future - a two-tier society where the "haves" pay ONLY for what they personally use and the "have-nots" get shafted?</p>
<p>Why do my tax dollars go to support all kinds of non-necessities that I never use anyway, such as subsidies for various corporations and their products?</p>
<p>And college tuition? Fuhgeddaboudit! Why should I pay for a huge expensive theater or music department when my kid isn't into the arts? Why does the budget include extracurricular things like chorale group trips to Europe? And that Writing Lab!!! My kids don't need remedial help -why should I pay for someone else's kids to get it? </p>
<p>OK, you got it now? <strong><em>For the one or two people with thick heads, the above was sarcastic!</em></strong>*</p>
<p>Sorry, I believe in the Greek ideal of a sound mind in a sound body, and that doesn't just mean a work-out room available for students. Sports teams are a part of a whole college community, as are music and the arts,
nature, museums, exhibits, pre-orientation trips, outing clubs, and many, many other things besides academics. </p>
<p>Finally, whether we like it or not, a huge amount of money is given to schools by their alumni and much of that is based on sports. Your idea that the exact same amount of money would be available for tuition reduction if sports were eliminated is naive.</p>
<p>And please - spare me the "you are carrying my argument to a ridiculous extreme" defense. Once you start down that slippery slope of claiming that you are not really part of one community, whether it is your college, your town, or your country, and you will only pay for what benefits you personally, you have opened up a can of worms that will - to mix a metaphor - eventually come back and bite you in the face. You may believe that sports are somehow "different," yet people can argue that things YOU believe are a necessity are also indefensible.</p>