How to stay motivated for the AP tests?

<p>The test is month away but I can barely study for them because of senioritis >_<</p>

<p>I have 5 AP tests to study for (AP Chem, AP Psych, AP Calc BC, AP English, AP Gov) :o</p>

<p>Anyway, how are you guys keeping yourself motivated to study?</p>

<p>I enjoy satiating my thirst for knowledge as a I study. </p>

<p>Also, I panic and say to myself, “Crap, AP exams are coming up! I need to get all 5’s. Must study, must study!”</p>

<p>I haven’t even started AP English Lang…lol</p>

<p>I haven’t touched Lang either, and I’m using a minimalist approach which makes me sort of apprehensive. I have to cram for Bio and USH so I don’t know if I’ll have time for Lang, but supposedly we’re doing a few tests in class. I hope my SAT practice will come in handy for that exam.</p>

<p>Oh and Stat…!</p>

<p>I look forward to the credits i will be receiving in the future (and the $$$ that I will save). Oh well, worst case, double all-nighters cram session before the tests.</p>

<p>I think forward to the free time I’ll have next year when I get out of gen eds. :p</p>



<p>You think you’re tired until you see what people on CC are doing and then your motivation goes way up!</p>



<p>I just get into a panicky mode when I look at the date and realize how much time I have left.</p>