<p>I mean Asians/Jews highest achieving, "normal kids" in the middle, African-Americans/Hispanics in remedial classes. In my (public) school, it's remarkably true to form. There are outliers, but for the most part that rule governs class distribution.</p>
<p>At the local public school, I know the demographics are 70% black and 30% white.</p>
<p>I recently saw a picture of an AP class and the class had about 30 students. Only one was black… the other 29 were white… so that makes their AP class make up 3% black and 97% white.</p>
<p>I think that shows the academic stereotype right there.</p>
<p>At my school, there aren’t any Jewish kids in my class. We have several Asians (legit Asians… they’re international students). I think my class is 14% international… they’re all in AP/Honors classes. We have one black student and she’s in AP/Honors Classes.</p>
<p>But… my school doesn’t offer remedial classes and I think that there are only 5-6 non-honors courses… but there are 16 AP courses. All English/history/language/science courses are Honors or AP. Every math class except one is honors or AP. I’m still confused on how Art/Music are done.</p>
<p>So… I don’t know how true it is at my school?</p>
<p>Not really… Actually except for a few, our Asians are amazingly stupid and trying to fit the Hispanic stereotype, which is true to form.</p>
<p>We are a semi fit. I mean the black-hispanic thing is true for the most part (one of like fifteen black people in IB, only one doing diploma) </p>
<p>No intls, but our Asians are at the top.
Whites are around the high middle</p>
<p>I know two Jewish people, and they’re rather brilliant. Honors and APs. But otherwise, I can’t really say.</p>
<p>However, Asians are most definitely at the top, while black and hispanic students aren’t so much. So yeah, I guess the stereotype fits.</p>
<p>Present rank 1 in our class is asian, fairly sure rank 2 is a jew. Asians are the only minorities in the AP classes.</p>
<p>Very, very true at my school. Though because Asians and Jews are few in number, there are many high-achieving whites. But countless blacks and Latinos are in lower-level classes and spend most of the time not paying attention and talking and being obnoxious.</p>
<p>(Background: Each grade has ~520 people. 75-80% of my school is Asian. 10-15% is white.)</p>
<p>Somewhat true, but due to the demographics, it’s kind of hard to decide…</p>
<p>It is true that all the top students are Asian. I know of no exceptions in my grade. This is only considering the top 15-30 people in the class. (Let’s call them “pros”.) These are the people who do math/science competitions, get almost all As (except maybe in freshman biology or English) in almost all honors/AP, and usually go to at least Berkeley, if not MIT, Stanford, Harvard and the like. A lot of these are accelerated at least one year in math; very few are accelerated two years.</p>
<p>The top third or so of the class, excluding the pros, is almost all Asian; in general, these are the people who take all or mostly honors/AP classes and the ones complaining a lot about homework and tests to the extent that many copy assignments or cheat. These also volunteer a lot, are very involved in typical clubs (debate, model UN, anyone?), and in general feel a lot of pressure to succeed that may not match their abilities. Most of these people end up at Berkeley, UCLA, or UCSD. A few end up in private colleges that better suit them.</p>
<p>The rest are a mix of what’s left. They take regular college-prep classes, maybe honors math, maybe AP Bio and the occasional APUSH, and are generally pretty chill. These are mostly Asian, too, but most of the white, black, and Hispanic people are here. These end up at the lower UCs, CSUs, and some in community college.</p>
<p>I mean, yeah, pretty much. About 40% of my school is black or hispanic but I can probably count on one hand the number of blacks or hispanics in the AP group. There are 650 in my graduating class.</p>
<p>Im the smartest black person in the school so… Yes</p>
<p>Basically, yes.
Let’s see… my school is 53% black and 4% hispanic. Around 3% of the black population is in IB, and there are 3 hispanics in IB.
We have 7 AP classes total. Only 3 black kids are in them. 2 not including me.</p>
<p>I go to a primary asian international school in beijing. A blonde beat out the entire asian community for the final spot on the school math team. Besides that one blonde, I think all the stereotypes are conformed to.</p>
<p>Yes, i’m one of the only “Smart” blacks in my school. Most of the blacks are ghetto, play basketball/football, and are obsessed fried chicken. </p>
<p>80% of the Asians are smart social recluses who excel in math.
The Hispanics, well all 5 of them are pretty dumb.</p>
<p>It’s funny thought, the average white at my school isn’t that smart. They’re just slightly above average so i guess the stereotype is broken there. </p>
<p>The jews conform the stereotype thought, they set up their schedules in such a way that they could take as many APs as possible. hate people like that, their enduring these brutal schedules for a shot an ivy which is quite funny seeing as how almost none of them have good ECs.</p>
<p>looool…not one person has really said anything too different.</p>
<p>(my school is 5% asian, 1% black, 20% hispanic, and 74% white. just an estimate)</p>
<p>well, my school fits the mold pretty well. anyone that i know who’s chinese is pretty much taking all ap classes. i have never had a single class with a black person. note that i’m taking as many APs as possible each year (almost each year) and that there’s like 10 black people at our school. the odds were not in my favor haha. as for hispanics, there are so many of them that are wannabe gangsters. almost all the hispanics here are wannabe gangsters, but the ones i’ve met are pretty decent…i think. they’re not going to mug you or anything unless you do anything to them. </p>
<p>as for white people, there are smart white people and there are very very stupid white people. the smart white people are just as smart as the brightest asians. i don’t know a single chinese though that i would categorize as ‘very very stupid’ though</p>
<p>our asians aren’t @ the top… well atleast in my grade</p>
<p>My schools demographics are:
75% White
15% Hispanic
7% Asian
3% Black</p>
<p>Most of my AP classes are filled with white kids and maybe a couple of Asians. I’ve been the only black girl in all my AP classes, period. But I wouldn’t call myself the “smartest black person” just because I chose to take AP classes. But I would say I’m probably the most ambitious. I’m pretty sure if some people were a lot less lazy and had a better work ethic they probably wouldn’t have a problem with AP/Honors classes. Some one who is less ambitious isn’t dumb, they probably just have different priorities than most AP kids.</p>
<p>Definitely true at my school</p>
<p>My school is about 35% colored, my school has 2100 people, there’s usually 0-2 coloreds in an AP class, depending if it’s one of the easier AP’s. No marihuana smokers in any advanced classes at all. whites and asians make up the top, by far.</p>
<p>^I was going to say the same thing, but I didn’t want to get to offended on the subject…</p>
<p>I guess the stereotype is true for most schools, but our valedictorian is black. But from ranks 1-10, 5 are Asian, salutatorian is probably going to be Asian. 2008 and 2009 Vals were Asian, 2010 was Jewish.</p>
<p>Basically the top 25 in my school are dominated by Asians and whites.</p>
<p>I don’t go to TJHSST (Best public school in the US and maybe overal too), but that school is like 35% Asian and 45% white.</p>
<p>My AP Physics class only has one black person, and it’s our Val haha, but he’s a genius.</p>
<p>Edit, just looked it up. TJHSST is 40.2% Asian and 54.8% white O.O</p>