And how would you compare it to your high school?
There were more activities for first year in college. In high school, you got a seat a d not much more.
I think it depends on how high school life was like for you. If you are an extroverted person who had a good group of high school friends, you might be able to find some good friends too at college but there is also a chance that you might have some trouble at first because unlike high school in college you aren’t necessarily sitting in a cafeteria full of the same people everyday (people in college are more independent and kind of run on their own schedules) so you may have to put some extra effort in socializing, like join extracurriculars and stuff (I’m sure there’s some posts on here with more details on how to make friends in college), and you might also have more homesickness from missing your high school friends.
But if you are an introverted person who as far as social life didn’t like high school and didn’t have many friends, college is better (especially large college) because 1.) You don’t feel like an outsider/weirdo for sitting alone at eating time since a lot of other people eat alone too since people run on different schedules and no one really cares anymore 2.) You aren’t forced with the same group of people everyday (especially in a large college) so there’s always opportunities to make friends/aqcuaintances and you can join social activities at your own pace, 3.) If you had no or almost no friends in high school you are starting from rock bottom meaning that just making one good friend in college is awesome (which happened in my case).
Keep in mind though that even if you do have a satisfactory social life in college that doesn’t necessarily mean college will be awesome. It’s more of a roller coaster than a wonderful experience, and the roller coaster might be different for each person (some people might have so many failures over successes that they even consider dropping out). So be warned- college is hard.
Colleges have freshman orientation which is one or more days designed to introduce you to the campus, its traditions and other freshmen.