How will opting to not take an AP exam affect admission?

<p>I know AP exams are a longgg way off (thank you college board!), but while admissions offices are closed and I'm curious I was wondering if anyone could help answer my question.</p>

<p>Here's the scenario: I've been accepted ED to Northwestern. I'm currently in AP English Lit and my school requires that if you take the AP class, you must take the test or pay the $75 fee. My dilemma is that by getting a 5 on English Lang last year, I won't get credit for any classes or electives at NU next year from English Lit, regardless if I get a 5 or not. The only reason I took the class was because it's the same GT Humanities class I've been with since 6th grade (we're family haha).</p>

<p>I don't really want to take the exam, when I could spend that time studying for my Bio or Econ AP tests. Would it reflect badly on me to not take it, or would NU not really care?</p>

<p>My friend recommended showing up and just putting my head down, but that's an automatic zero isn't it? Another suggested just paying the fine (my English teacher offered to pay it for me! But I'd never allow that). They won't get my scores if I simply don't take it, will they?</p>

<p>Or should I just suck it up and take the test? lol.</p>

<p>Thanks guys. :)</p>

<p>If AP exams won’t get you credit in the college you know you are going to, I don’t see why you should have to take them. I highly highly doubt a college will rescind an offer because you didn’t take an AP exam that would get you nothing.</p>

<p>I think you should just take the test. Even if you don’t study for it, I think you’ll be able to pull off at least a 3. What harm could it do?</p>

<p>I would not take the test. Why would you waste time for absolutely no reason? No college will ever rescind admission because of such a trivial thing. Kids have dropped quite a lot in GPA at my school and have never had their offers rescinded.</p>

<p>I like dubblyu91’s idea. Take the test, but don’t study for it.</p>

<p>I don’t understand something. You said you must take the test or pay the $75 fee.</p>

<p>Who is making you pay that $75 fee? Certainly not College Board. At our HS, students are advised to pay the fees sometime in Feb/March. If they can’t afford them, other arrangements can be made. If the student chose not to take the exam, they don’t pay any money but do pay a “price” with their GPA since they’d no longer receive the AP weighting (e.g. 5.0 for an A and so on.) Students are told this up front when they sign up for an AP class.</p>

<p>Make your decision on whether to take the test on other factors, but if you decide not to take it, I’d challenge whoever is requiring you to pay that fee.</p>

<p>I normally wouldn’t advise this but in your case, the compelling item you’ve mentioned is that you CAN use the study time for your other AP exams. There’s no way I’d take the Eng AP exam (nor pay for it). However, don’t slack off b/c your teacher might not like your intention of slacking off the exam and may feel it’s related to your intent to do well or not in the class.</p>

<p>My advice for all HS Seniors is to take the APs you feel qualified for – sounds like common sense, right? Well, I didn’t and regret it terribly. I was in 5 AP classes my Sr year and was having a phenomenal year (got all As eventually). I was accepted at my 1st choice school (one of the HYP colleges) and was just tired out come May of Senior year. I didn’t sign up for a single exam (although like I said, I was definitely on top of my material) due to burn out.</p>

<p>Come August, all that knowledge melted away. If I’d just persevered and studied, I’d gotten credits and it would have given me more options once in College.</p>

<p>In my college info sessions, I always tell this story. Good luck to all of you.</p>

<p>OP, congrats on the ED. NWU and Chicago are very nice.</p>

<p>FindAPlace: My school requires it, because they pay for our exams. They like having high percentages of AP kids and what not and clim that if we don’t take the test, we pay instead of them. It’s dumb :/</p>

<p>T26E4: Yeah, hat’s where I’m coming from. I need a 5 in Bio for credit and a 5 in both micro and macro econ… But don’t worry, I have an A in that class and I explained it to my English teacher, who is on my side for not taking it. Our school automatically signs us up, so I’m trying to not be on that list lol. Thanks! I’m so excited for next year. :)</p>

<p>And yes, not retaining information was my worry… I’m taking a few classes over the summer to review calculus 1 & 2 at the local college as a refresher.</p>