How would I get to Purdue?

Hi so I was recently accepted for the class of 2019, I live in Massachusetts and I want to do a campus visit, what would you say would be the most effective and least costly way of getting to purdue, I would fly out of logan airport in boston but then where would I go?
Thank you

Start here - you might want to try for an admitted student day

dang, will you have a parent going to rent a car and drive you?
The nearest commercial airports are Indianapolis International (65 miles) and Chicago O’Hare (140 miles) and Chicago Midway (130 miles)

Fly into Indianapolis and take the Lafayette Shuttle to Purdue Memorial Union. If you get an early reservation you can stay at the Inn at the Purdue Memorial Union. It’s reasonable.

Yeah my dad would be going with me

It would probably easier and cheaper to rent a car for two people. Purdue is about an hour northwest of Indy. Your choice of hotels would be greater as well. The Union Hotel is very convenient, however, the rooms can be pretty small. I believe parking is free if you are visiting. Good luck on your trip.

It is 2-1/2 hours from Chicago, though there will be more traffic than Indy. Depending on fares and schedule that is another option if you rent a car. Boston-Chicago could be $100/person less than Boston-Indy. Time or money, what do you have more of??

The drive is not only shorter from Indy but a lot easier.

I think most people usually fly into Indy. The airport there is really nice, on the plus side!

I’m from NJ. Fly to Indy then take a shuttle to Purdue. I think there’s less competition for the Indy shuttle seats compared to the Chicago shuttle seats. And Indy’s airport is very nice.