How You Would Open the EMAIL...

<p>ahahaha prateek, it’ll be like four in the morning for you, right? lol :)</p>

<p>And I’ll definitely do the covering-the-screen-with-an-arm part ;-)</p>

<p>Any of you guys use gmail? You know how gmail displays the first couple lines/words from each email when you’re in the inbox? So if you have your gmail already open you don’t really have the option of postponing finding out your decision by not opening the email…</p>

<p>I didn’t apply to Harvard but I find this thread really interesting (:
Does anyone know of any colleges that send notification emails titled Congratulations! or other words to that effect? It would save us those nerve-wrecking moments</p>

<p>^ No. It’s just something bland like “Your Admissions Decision”</p>

<p>My eldest son had me read first, then according to my reaction…he knew what I had read, he just couldnt’ bring himself to read it!! And even after that he swore it was a mistake and didn’t believe it until the “Crimson welcome package” came in the mail!
Good luck to you all!</p>

<p>I was planning on opening the ivies in order of most chances to least chances but I already got into Columbia so I probably will only open in the order… Penn, Yale, Harvard, Princeton. (even though for hyp it is in reverse order)</p>

<p>Well, first I’ll click on the link, then I’ll read the first few lines, then be silent with my heart pounding for a few minutes.</p>

<p>That’s pretty much true regardless of decision.</p>

<p>I’d hold my cat while reading it. I don’t know. Cats are comforting. More comforting than humans sometimes.</p>

<p>"he swore it was a mistake and didn’t believe it "</p>

<p>That was me. I kept checking the zip+4 on the envelope!</p>

<p>lol… what if the email looked like this:</p>

<p>Subject: Congratulations! Your Harvard Decision Is Ready!</p>

<p>Body: You got rejected!</p>

<p>I saw that in another thread and actually lol’d. Like I really laughed out loud.</p>

<p>^ If I saw “Congratulations” in the subject line, I think I would die from a heart attack. Seriously.</p>