Howard University Regular Applicant Forum 2018-2019

Has any international student recieved anything about scholarships?

No @flight18 we’ve been waiting patiently…(um…I ain’t patient anymore, it bores).

I have been reading alot of previous trends and it seems quite a number people had issues with their scholarships but they were Citizens. Cant get anything recent on international students

@flight18 I have followed Howard admissions for the last 5 years and I have noticed less international students reporting getting the full ride scholarships versus what I saw 3+ years ago. I still hear of international students getting full rides to Howard, but not like I saw when Howard basically had what was an auto-merit system based on grades and standardized test scores (there used to be nice sized contingent of full scholarship students every year from Nepal for example). Howard has instituted some competitive based scholarships (like the one my daughter is currently on) with extra essays and interviews and have spread out the money to more students which has seemed to lower the number of international students reporting getting full ride scholarships, but this is just an observation from a far.

I have watched you and @pigustavo on Howard threads and I am rooting for you both on your quest to get big money scholarships. I also see much more money given during EA in general than I do during RD, but they do still give some big money out during RD round. They could be holding back on offering money because they will announce the 30 or so students who will be offered a full ride to the scholarship my daughter is on in the next 2 weeks. At that point, maybe that will free up some scholarship money for other students. My daughter had very similar stats to you both (3.96 GPA and 1470 SAT) last year and was basically given full tuition after EA round before being offered a full ride after competitive scholarship selection weekend. Keep us posted and good luck.

Thanks for the update @ChangeTheGame …I’m really hoping that i get a full ride to howard bcos its my top choice

Thank you very much @ChangeTheGame
Whew…Does that mean that I can’t get a full ride if I didn’t apply for the competitive scholarship and participate in the full selection process (like interviews)? OMG I wasn’t aware of that when I applied. Is that what is called the Bison STEM Scholars? Or are they making it spread out to more people through that weekend but still use the remaining funds to give scholarships (including full rides) to others as the limited funds permit?

@pigustavo You could still get offered a full ride or a combination of scholarships/need based aid that add up to a full ride. You just won’t be eligible for the Bison STEM Scholars full ride scholarship. What I was trying to say is my daughter last year was initially offered 28K to go to Howard before she was named a Bison STEM Scholar which gave her a full ride from a different pot of money. What I am not completely sure about is what they did with the initial 28K (did they redistribute that money to other students or did they just not give it out?).

@ChangeTheGame Thank you very much, I now understand. I’ll continue hoping and waiting for good aid from Howard.

Omg…i can’t believe I still dont have a financial tab

Are all decisions out? I am an international student and got the email that I was admitted.

@Harkehaldar I don’t think all decisions are out. Howard has been sending decisions in waves, maybe till April 12. I have a friend without a decision.
Congratulations on your admission!

Thanks! Are all financial aid decision coming out today as well?

and why are most people here international?

I got accepted a week ago, but they haven’t provided information about financial aid. I am also an international student. Hoping they provide a good aid.

@Harkehaldar I’m not sure bout finaid. About this thread being flooded with international students, I’m also freaked out bout that. Just hoping we ain’t chasing citizens off with too much ‘international’ talk.

@Safaltaa Congratulations! I’m not sure any international student has heard back regarding merit/aid. I’m now very impatient since they’re my last school to hear from regarding scholarship/aid and I’m really wishing for something great.

This is very disturbing. It’s just like waiting for acceptance letter. Why cant they make the scholarships available when they send out the acceptance letters. Atleast even a day or two after it like other schools do

I have been waiting with @pigustavo for almost two weeks now.

Something new in my portal. In my application summary page and under the application status, a new data appeared – decision: Intl accepted – but that doesn’t change anything since I already know my decision.

My financial aid tab is still the same though (no award entry yet), and I’ve not received any merit scholarship notification. I’m sure we’ll get something very soon (next few weeks?) since the commitment deadline is approaching.

I am a first year applicant, and a decision still hasn’t been made on my application. I called the university today, and a representative told me that my application was complete, however they hadn’t gotten to it yet, and that I should wait until the 19th to get my decision. Literally everywhere says that today was the deadline for decisions though, so I am confused. Any advice or intel on what I should do/what is happening?

@Treyeball10 Don’t worry, since they told you a date (19th) then look forward to that date for your decision.

From past threads this slow pace of the Howard administration is not at all uncommon. I’ve noticed that year by year they somehow fail to meet with their own declared deadlines and they keep people waiting impatiently when they already have several admissions and merit scholarships on the table. Its sad because they loose interested applicants due to that issue. This may be wrong but it’s just a very clear observation from my angle.

Advice: Just wait and, if you can, keep getting on their necks with phone calls and emails, to hasten their pace.

Best of luck everyone :smile: . All we can do now is wait :frowning: