Howdy Financial Aid is down until Friday

<p>There was a message that Financial Aid is now down until Friday at noon. I hope that means that they are in the process of updating and awarding financial aid and maybe more scholarships. It would really be nice to find out...</p>

<p>Check your howdy portal financial aid tab! They’ve put the financial aid your got already and I saw mine today! I was so happy to see what they gave me! I just need to get a few more outside scholarships and I’m full ride!</p>

<p>I have half of mine covered with grants… Rest were offered loans…</p>

<p>5500 in loans so far</p>

<p>Does anyone know what the University Initiative Grant is? I click the hyperlink for it but it does not have any info.</p>

<p>Are they going to be sending out anymore scholarships? Or are they through with awarding people? I got two grants, the top 10% scholarship and the Regents Scholarship which I think may be all I’m eligible for… It was $15,000 in all.</p>

<p>Regent’s Scholarship… LOVE IT! Generally, unless you change your FAFSA, they don’t offer or take away more scholarships</p>

<p>Lilpartriot50- I would recommend you call the financial aid office, if that doesn’t help I can go attempt to ask them since I know a good chunk of people there</p>

<p>So is what they put up on the financial aid portal final or will they continue to update? After looking at me estimated cost of attendance, my parents will still not be able to afford it. I’m hoping more scholarships will come my way…</p>

<p>Howdy is down again. Maybe they are adding more $$! :)</p>

<p>I hope so because we have nothing so far,not even the loans we are supposed to be getting…
Maybe transfers find out later. It is depressing.</p>

<p>If the loan information isn’t up yet, then expect more information and possibly scholarships to come, I have just gotten access to the portal again but I have no scholarships posted yet (and I know I have two recurring ones at least.) So its going to be tough, but we have to be a bit patient it seems…</p>

<p>I asked a financial aid person and they said that continuing students’ financial aid will be dispersed after spring grades have been posted?</p>