How's life in Blacksburg?

<p>dude… idk who the f$#$ u think you are, but I’m pretty sure you are quite possibly the biggest loser in the world man. Seriously. Also, screw off man i’m in the top of my class in engineering here at tech, so i think i’m reasonably rational and intelligent. You just have no life. No one cares. I’m not responding to your bull sh@#$ ne more and i recommend every one else on here do the same</p>

<p>Trying to look at this objectively…smiller I really do appreciate your concern as a resident of Blacksburg regarding the drinking/partying that you say you have seen going on in those apartments and within the frats. May I suggest that maybe you can put your time and efforts into changing things using a better vehicle than a CC forum? I don’t mean to sound condescending, but if you think you are informing parents like me about a new problem, you are sure to be disappointed. We know drinking issues are problematic for virtually every college in the country, always have been.</p>

<p>As an old fart who has been to many campuses over the years, I’ve seen my share of stupid, immature behavior. Lord, have you ever been to an SEC football weekend game? Or lived near the GW student apartments in DC? My husband quit his fraternity 25 years ago because of the lewd behavior he witnessed at a small southern LAC…You could probably start a club with residents of other college towns in order to commiserate. I feel for you, but I think that it just comes with the territory…literally.</p>



<p>How does one pass a keg?</p>

<p>Maybe an empty keg? :slight_smile: </p>

<p>I’d like to think that the majority of parents are well aware that drinking can and probably will be part of their college student’s newfound freedom when they arrive on campus. Our job is to educate them before they ever get there on self-control, responsibility, making good choices, etc, etc. Unfortunately not all parents prepare their kids to handle themselves with maturity, also, not all kids have matured enough to behave like adults in all situations. Please don’t tar and feather the whole campus because of your experiences. I would imagine the majority of students have no part in the events you describe.</p>

<p>Ugh. I am all for a crack down. Why does the Food Lion sell beer kegs anyway? Is that typical of a grocery? We did notice on the Saturday night before classes, a line-up of about nine guys using beer kegs for chairs while they waited patiently at the Food Lion customer service. It was almost funny. The Pheasant Run Crossing didn’t seem that bad to me that night, at 10:30. My daughter had decided to stay in, because she was tired from having been out Friday night and realized she needed some sleep to be ready for classes Monday morning. The boys who lived next door had placed a black light in their front room, along with a disco ball. They were mostly hanging around the front step hoping someone would show up. I havne’t heard any complaints from my dd yet. I will caution her about driving amongst post-revelling students. But I have to agree with the point of the previous poster. Heavy and frequent drinkers can’t stay at VT, because they wouldn’t be able to keep their GPA up. I wish they would crack down . How about some letters to the editors? How much fuss has the community made about this? I wonder what Penn State has done, since they received their new designation as top party school?</p>

<p>check your private msgs</p>

<p>I am finding out about a lot of partying drinking issues around Virginia Tech and it concerns me - I heard there was already a fight and party at Terrace view last night the cops and ambulances had to be called in my daughter’s building - she is there to get a very expensive education not party every night. There are scholarships and grants and such at stake too so I pray daily I have drilled it in deep enough to be careful - to use good judgement - if you do drink to please use the buses and not the car and always buddy up with a friend you trust no wandering off alone —I am loosing sleep at night worrying. She is a smart kid so I pray I got through to her. It only takes screwing up one time to end up in a bad place. Look what happened to Morgan Harrington last year - she was a beautiful young woman, an intelligent young lady but she made a stupid mistake that cost her to lose her life. any sugesstions on what we as parents can do to crack down on the complexes more - its all about the bottom line but our kids lives are at stake as well - we all partied when we were kids too but its seems as the years pass it just gets worse and more dangerous.</p>

<p>If she’s there to get an education and not party every night she can very well do that. If you sent her there to get an education and not to party every night then the only question is if she’s actually there for the same reason you sent her, and that has everything to do about her and nothing to do about the school. And it’s not worse than when you were a kid, it’s just that now it’s not you doing it.</p>

<p>fuzzy, I can tell from your post that you are worried :frowning: You have done your duty in warning her of the pitfalls of partying too much, but it is now up to her as a young adult to make good choices. Unfortunately, I don’t think there is much more that can be done by us parents in regards to what happens at the apartment complexes. They are not in our “jurisdiction” if you will. </p>

<p>I am sure VT/Bburg police, like all of the universities around the country, spend a great deal of their time dealing with party scenes in off campus housing. From what I have heard, some Bburg residences have more of a rep for that scene than others. I guess the best advice to give other parents/students that are concerned, is to try to identify apartment complexes that aren’t as popular with the party scene and get your lease there. Even with that, it is going to be up to the individual to determine what is right/wrong for them.</p>

<p>Just moved to chester huh? I lived there before I came to VT. I went to L. C. Bird. What high school u at?</p>

<p>And honestly there is drinking at EVERY college. Get over it. If you didn’t prepare your kids to deal with drinking and the pressure then that your fault. If they drink even though you tried to instill a no drinking policy then o well. Thats their choice and they’re adults who can make their own decisions. I’m a freshman who just moved in like a week ago and can attest to the drinking scene. Yes there is one. DUH! But me not going is my own choice… even with girls begging me to go. </p>

<p>and yes i can verify there was a party at Terrace view. and yes it was busted by the cops. My roomate and several of his friends went there. But it was NOT for the drinking. it was for the noise. Just thought yall would enjoy some inside info.</p>

<p>But anyway… I’ve only been here a week and definitely agree there is stuff to do. Pick up games are ALWAYS available on the drill field. Intramurals haven’t started yet but there seems to be a HUGE following of intramural students. The tennis courts are always busy when I go there. And the food is amazing. So, call me crazy, but you can entertain yoruself just trying to figure out what your going to tear into the next meal.</p>

<p>Put 24,000+ people that aren’t Buddhist monks in a small enough radius as Blacksburg…and sure there will be drinking. If you think it’s a problem, you need to get out more and find some real friends.</p>

<p>If you go looking for trouble/booze, you’ll find it. If you’re not an idiot and can have fun/be yourself without hiding behind alcohol, there’s an immense number of people to hang out with. Not a knock on drinking; calling it how I see it. There’s far more drinking responsibly than irresponsibly. Ignore the ■■■■■ and dont worry about it. If you’re worried about your kids being exposed to alcohol and not handling themselves well, maybe you should’ve taught them better? Or at least trust their judgement :-)</p>

<p>Uhh, “the ■■■■■” didn’t ask anyone to take his word for it. All a concerned parent has to do is drive around the apartment complexes and see how bad it is for themselves. So, you know what I think of your opinion on the matter don’t you :-).</p>

<p>Oh god. As a Marshall and VT fan I thought my week couldn’t POSSIBLY get any worse. But look who’s back.</p>

<p>Also, Monks make some of the best beers.</p>

<p>Well when the FB team loses, especially twice, the whole dam town goes into depression…</p>

<p>I was depressed when I saw those new black/orange Nike Unis at the BSU game…I’m blaming the losses on those hideous things :)</p>

<p>Figures they were Nike gear. Nike also supports the U of Oregon and their various sport uniforms are uniformly ugly.</p>

<p>The new uniforms are AWESOME! You need to see them up close.</p>

<p>Those black uniforms are absolutely awful. I like the white ones though.</p>

<p>I hear the black ones “look better on camera.” The loss to JMU was just a complete embarrassment.</p>

<p>For smiller, I just did a quick 5 second search on UVa’s forum with the keyword “partying” and “drinking”:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>So, um… yeah. Make sure your children don’t go to UVa either. #2 public school in the nation. Great. Home school sheltered life ftw!</p>

<p>“JMU student stabbed at early Morning Party…”</p>

<p>[JMU</a> Student Stabbed At Early Morning Party](<a href=“]JMU”></p>

<p>“…involved in a fight at a party in the Pheasant Run Crossing area around 3:55 a.m. on Saturday”</p>

<p>Gee what a coincidence… a fight broke out in one of Blacksburg’s biggest student party complexes and someone was assaulted…</p>

<p>Think alcohol was involved? Think there’s a drinking problem centered around Virginia Tech…"</p>


<p>[Urban</a> Dictionary: The 407](<a href=“]Urban”>Urban Dictionary: The 407)</p>

<p>[Violent</a> Death of Virginia Tech Freshman a Mystery - by Jenna Mattox | Planet Blacksburg](<a href=“]Violent”></p>