What is there to do in Blacksburg?

<p>I was accepted into VT and UVA and I am stuck in between them. I love UVA and Charlottesville is an awesome college town. But I am a computer engineering major and VT has the better program along with classes and groups I am interested in.</p>

<p>Basically I am stuck between the school I like socially vs the school that is better academically. This decision would be easier if I knew what people do in Blacksburg. </p>

<p>Are there a lot if restaurants? Is there a nice mall nearby? I am not into the outdoors too much, but that is something I could used to.</p>

<p>So, what do you guys for fun?</p>

<p>Yes, there are a ton of great places to eat right next to campus. I could type up a list but it wouldn’t do the selection justice. Actually I’m bored so here you go: cabo, slouvaki, river mill, Sycamore deli, boudreauxs, the cellar, el rods, and sharkeys. All of those (plus a lot more) are less than five minutes off campus. Walking.</p>

<p>The closest mall is in cburg, which is about a 15 minute drive. It’s pretty good. The mall in Roanoke is about 45 minutes away but considerably better.</p>

<p>As far as what there is to do, that depends on what you like. The party scene is great. The downtown scene is very good but you have to be 21/have an id. The lyric is a fantastic small theater that is cheap. There is always something happening on campus if you pay attention to the flyers around campus. And then there is always sports.</p>