Is it boring?

<p>Is Blacksburg boring? Everyone I've talked to has said that it's in the middle of nowhere, and that Charlottesville is a lot better. Will I have anything to do?</p>

<p>Also, is there bus transportation from Blacksburg to Northern VA (Greyhound of something)??</p>

<p>Blacksburg’s not really that boring. There’s a lot to do; it just depends on if you’re willing to look around and check things out. Can’t speak for Charlottesville. You’ll have plenty of work to do :-)</p>

<p>Pretty sure there’s transportation, plus a large portion of this school is in-state students. Chances are that people from high schools around yours or even from yours will have cars and rides back should be pretty frequent.</p>

<p>There is a bus that goes starts in Blacksburg and stops at JMU and UVA if I remember correctly. D took it a couple times when she was a freshman. But after that she always could find rides with people going to NOva.</p>

<p>I actually like Blacksburg because there ISN’T anything to do as most people would put it. That’s why I’ve spent the last two summers here. I’ve made decent bank 30 hours/week at local accounting firms, taken 1 class per summer sesh, downtown, golf, river, hiking, Stepping Out and going the pool. I love Blacksburg.</p>

<p>Blacksburg in the summer is awesome. It’s not crowded but it just seems like what there is to do (the lyric, comedy club, etc.) everybody wants to do. It’s surreal and hard to explain, but if you can try and spend one summer in Blacksburg.</p>

<p>I’ll say this about blacksburg as a whole. If you’re not open to going out there and trying stuff you’re not sure you’ll like you might not have a good time here. You’re not going to find a dozen similar places like you would in a bigger city. You will be able to find A really good comedy club though, and A really good karaoke club, and A great place with local music. You just have to be open to new things. And yeah, if you like the outdoors you’re set. Skiing, biking, whitewater rafting, hiking, golf, everything is around.</p>

<p>Plus low 80s and moderate humidity. In my experience, about 25% of my friends stick around for summer: best times of college by far.</p>