How's my stats for USC..?

<p>how good are my chances of getting in..? leave comments please</p>

<p>my stats::
senior course-- all ap's</p>

<p>SAT I- 2210, cr:720 math:770 writing:720
SAT II- MATH II: 790 World History: 710</p>

<p>AP World Hist- 5
Art History- 3
Language and Comp- 3
APUSH- 4</p>

<p>we look at weighted acad gpa right? (10-12)
if so.. then
gpa:: 4.6818
unweighted gpa:: 3.95</p>

National Merit Commended
AP Scholar</p>

<p>community service:: (over 400 hrs total)
hrs at church sunday school program, during summer and school
summer program for THINK Together Tutor
local food bank
piano for 9 years, got lvl 9 CM</p>

<p>Activities:: (over 600 hrs total)
amnesty international president
save darfur</p>

<p>you’re good to go. best of luck</p>

<p>Since you have a background in piano are you applying to the Thornton School of Music? If not, what is your intended major?</p>

<p>SC’s admisssions committee looks at all four years of your academic record in high school.</p>

<p>I’m going for a degree in computer science. how are my chances…? >_<</p>

<p>@georgiagirl, I have a gpa of 3.875 then -__-</p>

<p>can i get some more feedback please?? :))</p>

<p>Stat wise you look fine. However, have you done any classes or ECs that relate to CompSci? The things you’ve done (clubs, SAT2s, etc) make it look like you’re looking more the lines of an IR/PoliSci or something in that direction than CompSci.</p>

<p>SATs look fine; GPA looks good; Technically they don’t factor in AP scores (they factor in the classes but not the scores) but the 2 3s look a little iffy. </p>

<p>Don’t focus too much on “hours.” I always felt that was kind of BS. I did a billion hours of ___. It makes it seem like you are doing it to accumulate hours and no one really cares. The more outrageous the number, the more skepticism the rest of the application faces. Small stuff. I wouldn’t worry about it too much. </p>

<p>You have a pretty good shot, imo; the engineering and business schools tend to be a bit more competitive.</p>

<p>you have the stats, make sure you have the essays and ec’s too</p>

<p>You’re looking good :slight_smile: Best of luck!</p>

<p>Your stats look really good, actually really similar to mine when I applied last year. And your math SAT is way higher than mine was, which I guess is good since you’re applying for computer science (I’m an art major). Getting in takes several steps though- first an admissions officer looks at your app, then decides if you meet basic qualifications of a really good candidate for the school, then they forward it to the actual school or degree program you are applying to. If you make it through their review, you go back to admissions and they read through again before they make the final okay. So basically you need to know how your stats match up to other computer science majors.
Also, a word of advice- really take time on both your essay and your quick take answers on the application. The admissions counselors seem to really try to make sure that they are accepting students with a lot of personality, and if your stats are on the fence in any way, that is what could be the difference between acceptance and rejection.
Best of luck and fight on! :)</p>