How's this going to look? I'm being compared to my school?

<p>With every grade I've ever sent to colleges I've recieved 21 A's and B's, 4 C pluses, 2 C's, and 2 D pluses. </p>

<p>My GPA is a high 3.4/ low 3.5 (I'm not 100% sure which way it swung yet). I'm in the top 25% of my class.</p>

<p>My SAT scores are an 1150 (CR and Math) CR= 630, Math= 520.</p>

<p>I take all of the most advanced classes that my school offers. I've taken more years of every subject than what I needed for an advanced diploma. I'm getting an advanced diploma.</p>

<p>I'm in a ton of solid EC's. Basically everything about me makes me a decent candidate for the colleges I'm applying to (James Madison University and Christopher Newport University)</p>

<p>But obviously my letter grades are not super. The big mess up was junior year. But my second semester grades went up from my first semester grades but it pulled down my average for my end of the year grades so I'm hoping schools will notice that. Also all of my bad grades are in math classes or sciences with heavy math and my most current D was in my AP Stat class that wasn't even necessary and I want to be an English major so hopefully that'll be taken into account. Everyone has their weaknesses right?</p>

<p>My grades are also on par with other students in my curriculum- even a little higher. For instance in my Trig class that I got a D plus in, like 6 of us got D's and everyone else failed. My AP Stat class is the same way.</p>

<p>So I'm freaking out because I was told that since my school is on a 6 point scale that colleges would be converting us to a 10 point scale which would really bump up my bad grades. But I just got an e-mail back from the admissions person from JMU saying that it's too hard to do conversions for everyone so they're just reviewing us in the context of our school. </p>

<p>What's that mean exactly for me? Will my bad grades look as bad if they see that I'm actually doing well compared to others in my class? Or will they look that extensively into my classes? </p>

<p>Please help me.</p>

<p>*What is going to be the result of this constant examining and re-examining of your applications?<br>

<p>What’s done is done. JMU, please try to relax. It seems each week, you start another thread asking questions about your chances/application/omissions/etc.</p>

<p>The earth isn’t going to split open if you happen not to make it into your first choice. Please,enjoy your senior year. Have great summer, make sure your parents feel appreciated.</p>

<p>Thank you but it’s just something I feel like I have to do. I’m too panicked to do much of anything else.</p>

<p>Perhaps speak to your school social worker, clergy or trusted friend. Your obsessiveness can be unhealthy for you. It certainly doesn’t portend well to how mature you’ll eventually be once in college.</p>

<p>Please strive to get some perspective. Good luck to you.</p>

<p>BTW: perhaps go cold turkey on CC. You’ve answering other unknowing posters multiple “chance me” threads is kinda ridiculous, to be frank.</p>