How's this schedule?

<p>Updated Schedule</p>

<p>M- 12-12:50 GBA145
6:45-8 Legal Studies
T- 11-Soc 101
2- Eng 101
3:30- Math 112
W -12- CS 102
6:45-8- Legal Studies
TH- 11- Soc 101
2- En 101</p>

<p>I went to dinner with friends last night and they said that he is taking too many hours-</p>

<p>CS 102 is 1 hour a week but 3 hours credit- so I guess there is alot of outside work…</p>

<p>He is a pledge so I am wondering if he should just start with 16 and see- any thoughts?</p>

<p>I think he’ll be fine. GBA 145 and CS 102 are not difficult classes. My D thought LGS 200 was pretty easy, too. I don’t know which teacher he has, but a few of them give very generous extra credit opportunities. I personally would rather take a normal load that included some easy courses first semester than take fewer hours and then have to overload in the future when classes are tougher. Just my opinion, though.</p>

<p>I’m not saying that MUS 121 is an easy class, but everyone I know, myself included, made A+s with minimal effort. It is an easy class with most of the work (reading, assessments, quizzes, etc.) done on the internet. </p>

<p>Don’t worry about what the class was like 12 years ago. It’s not hard AS LONG AS YOU DO THE WORK as it stands today.</p>

<p>beth’s mom- thx- always good to get another opinion- they don’t even know what he is taking</p>

<p>Hornist- decided to wait on elective since he got stuck with Monday at 8- if you notice on updated schedule- NO music</p>