How's UA & the South?

<p>My kids have have gone to a racially and religiously mixed inner city school in the northeast and an ethnically and religiously homogeneous rural school in the midwest. They’ve traveled in extensively in Europe. I’m encouraging my son to go to UA to get a different experience. We’re from an ethnic group that’s not particularly well represented at UA, but who cares?</p>



<p>True that. Attitude and perspective carry the day.</p>

<p>Roll Tide and Happy New Year, everyone. :)</p>

<p>How “country” is UA? I always thought it would be a pretty country school, but from what I’ve seen on here, it seems more southern preppy and country-club-like than country.</p>

<p>No, UA is not very “country” at all. It is an not an a&m/land grant college, so the only “county” part you’re going to find is within the engineering college.</p>

<p>Is it really preppy?</p>

<p>It can be - just look at the “What NOT to wear” thread. You wouldn’t be out of place being “country” or non-preppy, though. UA is a big school and hosts all kinds of scenes.</p>

<p>What do you mean by “country”? there is a lot of open land in Tuscaloosa county. It’s not a “built up” area if that’s what you mean. There is the Black Warrior River and Lake Tuscaloosa.</p>

<p>By country I just meant is there a laid-back atmosphere, with kids pretty into things like bonfires, swimming in lakes, country music, etc. I didn’t know if UA catered more to that aspect of the south, or more to the country club side of the south. I knew there will be all sorts of kids there, of course, I was just wondering if there was one side that was more prevalent.</p>

<p>There are bonfires at some pep rallies. And, many students are fond of country music as well as other genres. As for “swimming in lakes”…I’m not sure how many are doing that. Lake Tuscaloosa is a place for water sports.</p>

<p>Sometimes I think the initial thoughts that come to mind to those who are not familiar with or who have not visited " the south" are the whole laid back country music scene. Add to that song media (country song videos…tv shows like Nashville and moveis like Sweet Home Alabama) and a bit of a misconception can take place. I think that Tuscaloosa has a nice mix of the gentile south. (southern drawls, "yes ma’ams, manners, friendliness) and the wonderful culture that comes with a large flagship school that has many out of state students who lend their cultural back grounds as well. Coming from the Midwest my DD expected lots of country music and was surprised her freshman year when the headlining band for Greekfest was “Pretty Lights”…so yes…my daughter has swam in a lake, been to a bonfire or two, she loves country music but her fraternity boyfriend prefers rap…I truly think there’s a little something for everyone…that’s what make Alabama so great!</p>

<p>btw, just wondering, how bad is the drinking scene on campus? Or maybe is there other substance abuse problems as well ? ( I’m surrounded by tons of stoners in my current high school, not a really pleasant thing albeit I don’t hold anything against marijuana; it’s just really, really lame to have people busy frying their brains surround you) Just read a thread in the forum about a eng’g major who wanted to transfer cause of the drinking/partying scene. Honestly, big drinking problem on campus does not really entail intellectual seriousness to me.</p>

<p>which thread was that?</p>

<p>Seems to me with that many kids in one place, you can find just about any environment you’re looking for, a party or a study group. That said, that’s one of the reason we’re glad our son is coming into the honors program, honors housing where he’ll be surrounded by other students who hopefully want and need to keep their grades up.</p>

<p>Many times, the honors students adopt a Sunday through Thursday work ethic. That is, they study, write papers, etc. those days. Fridays and Saturdays, at least during the fall, are game days. Game day promotes a game day atmosphere. People will drink, but you do not have to participate. My son said that he went to game day activities, but did not partake in alcohol his first two years at UA. He will graduate with better than a 4.0 GPA, two majors, two minors and was president of his fraternity, which has the highest GPA on campus.</p>

<p>You’ll find the welcoming nature of the UA campus extends itself here on the CC forum. Generally, this very active group jumps at each and every chance to answer questions and offer support for prospective students and parents. Sometimes the topics lead to very passionate and heated discussions among posters, but regular posters generally maintain a sense of mutual respect for one another and for visitors. The downside of having such an active forum is that often times it attracts attention from some who have no true interest in the UA and choose to find humor in exploiting stereotypes to get a reaction for their amusement. It saddens me to think of why someone would have nothing better to do, but it happens. It takes away from prospective students who come here for guidance.</p>

<p>In reference to drinking and/or substance abuse, I’m sure the UA is no more immune to this than is any other school, large or small. As for my family’s experience, we’ve had no issues at the UA with either.</p>

<p>Happy New Year, everyone. Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Many/most colleges (even the “tippy top” schools) have a drinking scene. You get a bunch of 18-22 year old together and you usually get a drinking scene…unless the school is a bible college. </p>

<p>Most serious students are focused on school work during the week and then a number of them will “let loose” a bit on weekends. That true of nearly everywhere. </p>

<p>That said, there are a number of kids who don’t drink or party at all…that’s fine.</p>

<p>If you are so inclined, campus ministry groups have fun activities that don’t involve alcohol. I’m sure there are social groups on campus too where drinking isn’t the focus.</p>

<p>I LOVED what bamagirls wrote just above. I like contributing to CC and enjoy reading what people have to say. It is disheartening when discussion derails, even if everyone is entitled to their own opinion. HNY & RT,R!</p>

<p>I’m from CT too and I’m going through the same thing with my friends!</p>

There are a lot of others from the CT, NY, NJ area going to UA this fall. Check with your recruiter to see the updated list. Are you going to the UA reception in Greenwich, CT this Sunday?</p>